Furthermore, the video for Bette Davis Eyes featured actress Margie David impersonating the star, further leading viewers to make the connection. Ostensibly in a role of servitude, but clearly holding the power.). ), According to Davis, it was only because of her eyes that her first three-month contract was renewed. Davis denied she intentionally hurt her counterpart, but Crawford is said to have intentionally weighted herself down during a scene in which Davis drags her across the floor, to aggravate Davis' back problems. 1981. Davis's lids can hang so low, their weight so palpable, a biological anomaly. She garnered more attention with stunning performances in films such asthe following: She became the first female president of theMotion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences. When Carnes says the main figure of her song has "Bette Davis Eyes," she's signalling to the audience that the character cannot be trusted, no matter how beautiful she is. An adaptation is a musical work which uses most of the music or lyrics of another musical work. Sales+streaming figures based on certification alone. That eyeso alive, so active. Her son, Michael Merrill createdThe Bette Davis Foundationin honor of her. The original of these versions was recorded in 1974. I was not only a slave, a nanny to my 2 sisters at the age of 5-6, but also neglected to the point, that I was molested by my drunken father for years and mother claimed, she never suspected anything. ", Director Michael Curtiz: [shes a] goddamned nothing no good sexless son of a bitch and (according to Davis): the unsexiest woman I have ever seen in my life., From the beginning, her looks were remarked upon, openly debated, even in the midst of praise. She was also known for her distinctive eyes. She often played characters struggling with an internal conflict or a personal struggle, making her an iconic representation of strong-willed women in film. [9][10], The song won the Grammy Awards for Song of the Year and Record of the Year; it also ranked at No. Her death came after years of battling with breast cancer and stroke. Throughout her career that spanned about six decades, she starred in some of the Hollywoods most memorable films. Carnes has continued to produce music, tour, and collaborate with other artists over the past few decades, most recently working with her daughter, Kira Small, on a new version of Bette Davis Eyes. by SLJ924 July 24, 2009 A number of prominent songwriters worked alongside Kim on this album. Ruthie's first step was to take Bette Davis to New York, where she interviewed for a place at the prestigious theater school run by Eva Le Gallienne, but after what Davis described as a "defensive" performance during the interview, she was rejected as not exhibiting the required seriousness to join the school. She was known for her intense gaze, which gave her a captivating presence. It didn't matter. Bette Davis Eyes also demonstrates how culturally and musically powerful a song can be. Its Baby Jane and Sweet Charlotte that are, perhaps rightfully, the most remembered and discussed Davis films today. great idea think of bad guy and you got it. * Sales figures based on certification alone.^ Shipments figures based on certification alone. His work has appeared inTin House,The Rumpus,The Los Angeles Review of Books,Columbia Journal Online, andVol. But, like many of her earlier roles, they set a new precedent; their existence and popularity bringing opportunities for more complex roles. With her iconic look, having Bette Davis eyes is a tribute to her unmistakable beauty and elegance. They exhibit her at her wildest, her most unhinged, and are backed by scripts that do her talents justice. (In All About Eve, it's the lids: that oft-ignored flap of skin, constantly spreading tears across the surface of the eye, warding off invasion, blocking the light out during sleep. Lids slowly bobbing, lashes long, pupils giant, eyeballs overcoming their sockets, seemingly ready to leave the skull.). According to Bette Davis' official website, upon her return to the U.S. Warner Bros., perhaps buoyed by the incredible press coverage that the British court case had attracted, decided to reward the Oscar-winning actress with a better contract and to ensure that she was given the roles that were worthy of her burgeoning talent and on-screen magnetism. It's a showdown between him and celebrity lawyer Adam Pryce (Jere Burns), who makes a mockery of the courthouse. Required fields are marked *. Sat Jul 17 2021 - 06:00. Jane Fonda:Just watching Bette Davis on the screen was empowering to women. Who famously got most of her exercise by putting her foot down.. Soon after defining the glamorous Golden Age close-upgiant eyes, soft-focused over a glass of champagneher character sinks into disrepute. Betty Davis was one of the most well-renowned African American women of her time, becoming a huge influence in the world of entertainment. I should have just excepted you for who you were. However, she did perform a few memorable dance numbers for a few of her movies, including Possessed (1931), Sadie McKee (1934), and Dancing Lady (1933). She was the sex worker threatening the gangster: Ill get you if I have to come back from the grave to do it. The woman telling her sickly husband: I hope you die. It truly is a compliment to have Bette Davis eyes!. Davis' supporters suggested that "My Mother's Keeper" was nothing more than a cynical "cash-in. There are, depending on how you count them, over a dozen biographies about her, recounting the bottomless drama of her personal and professional life, all while trying to crack the mystery beneath Daviss hard exterior. Then came "Bette Davis Eyes." DeShannon, a writer, hitmaker and performer since the turn of the 1960s, had written the song that namechecked one of Hollywood's most famous stars for . When the same frustrations emerged with the productions "The Golden Arrow," "Satan Met a Lady," and "God's Country and the Woman," Davis accepted work in the United Kingdom, which was against the terms of her contract. Cleopatra Records released a re-recording of the song as a single in 2007. But while Ruthie was supportive, Davis' father, Harlow, wasn't. With tender hands, Eddie reached up to caress the curve of Steve's hips. Sikov: She had, more than any performer I have ever studied, a blazing ability to imprint herself onto every character she ever playedto make me believe in those fictive characters while never letting me forget that I was watching her, a calculating actress, an intuitive star. The color of a persons eyes is determined by genetics, specifically the melanin pigments which are found in the iris of the eye. Of course I also loved Bette Davis. But biographers still do it today; Im doing it right now: defining this woman by her bodyeven just a single part of her body. We have corrected the date. [65] Paltrow's cover ended 2001 at number 35 on Australia's year-end chart and earned a platinum certification from the Australian Recording Industry Association for shipments exceeding 70,000 units. She was capable of blowing up at any moment., James Cagney: [Davis] unhappiness seeped through to the rest of us., Sikov: Davis was an angry woman for reasons nobody who knew her ever adequately explained to me and for reasons I still cannot fully understand.. : radiant, satisfied as she kicks her sister across the floor. Thirty years after her death and nearly eighty years since the height of her fame, Davis remains in our cultural memory. Its like: this is whats possible; this is the range and depth that is possible for a woman., Meryl Streep: Bette Davis seemed willing, she even had an appetite, for parts that were conventionally unappealing. Davis was so affected by Entwistle's performance that she immediately told Ruthie that she wanted to become an actress. He's currently working on a book about eyes, vision, and blindness. American record producer and engineer Val Garay, handled the albums production. Nelson filed for divorce from Davis in 1938. Song Meanings and Facts 2023. This song is right up there with the best songs ever to come out of a humans mouth. Mobile still and more affable than rumor would have it. Carnes, however, made it a No. In the lie her character tells of the shooting, the man's unwanted advances began with him saying, You have very pretty eyes.). Though Kim Carnes (pictured above) made "Bette Davis Eyes" a hit, the song actually preceded her by a number of years, having been written in 1974 by Donna Weiss and Jackie DeShannon, as The Sun reports. Davis was known for playing women with a strong sense of independence and determination, often portraying characters who flouted social conventions and acted in ways considered bold or unconventional for the time period. The lyrics of the song desribe a woman with a "mean, mean stride" and "devious eyes." What Did Bette Davis Say After Joan Crawford Died? But they also initiated the hagsploitation sub-genre: older women portraying formerly-glamorous women who have fallen from their glamour, and are now struggling with their mental health, threatening the lives and well-being of those around them. Because of this, Davis could have taken the song as either an insult or a compliment. Thats why Adele sells millions even when she doesnt do her best work all her last cd. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',155,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',155,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-155{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Bette Davis was an American actress who was known for her portrayals of strong-willed and determined characters in films throughout the 1930s and 1940s. Davis was bent on proving her father wrong, setting her on a path to become one of Hollywood's most legendary battlers. She was the Golden Age starlet who talked back, who foughtand even suedfor equal pay, better roles, more complex female characters, who was never satisfied and announced it. Bette Davis was an iconic actress who won two Academy Awards, with most of her well-known roles coming in the 1930s to 1950s. The lyrics continue to suggest that the woman of the song is a strong and independent character who knows what she wants and stands her ground, a trait Davis was well-known for in her movies and in her personal life. The song was performed by singer Kim Carnes, and was originally written . Loved this article. She achieved great success being a finalist for eightBest Actress Academy Awardsand winning two of them. But though she was initially enthusiastic about the cast and production, her role once again proved to be yet another female bit part. But its at least true that what we see in the eyes is often not emotional depth but the bodys interior health. How often do we look into a pair of eyes and misinterpret health for emotion? document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Your email address will not be published. I wish I would have been softer with you about it tho, maybe you would have pulled out of it & became an actual mother to me and my baby brother, you were one to our older sisters but I guess by the time we came along you were too into yourself to want us or to love us the way a mother SHOULD.idk, sorry sweetie you will be all the stronger for what you have been through I promise. She wrote letters to Carnes, Weiss, and DeShannon to thank all three of them for making her "a part of modern times" and stated that her grandson now looked up to her. According to Snopes, the actress, who was growing impatient with the lack of roles afforded to middle-aged women in the film industry, published a classified ad in the Hollywood Reporter, which, under the title "Situation Wanted, Women" and alongside a classic Davis headshot read: "Mother of three 10, 11 & 15 divorce. Bette Davis Eyes: Despina Savva: July 5, 2020: Bette Davis Eyes: Boy [CH] May 25, 2021: Bette Davis Eyes: Abel Ramos & Di Martino & musicbyDioni (Martin Serrano) 2021: Unverified: Betty Davis: Block & Crown: May 20, 2022: Bette Davis Eyes written by Jackie DeShannon, Donna Weiss instrumental. It is only work that truly satisfies. So perhaps the work is the best place to understand her; the place we can meet her where she preferred to be met. Was that sadness and anger there: on her face, in her eyes? She made appearances in 1931 films,SeedandBad Sisterwhich went unnoticed by movie critics. Some saw ugliness, disdain, even some form of evil. In "The Lonely Life" Davis admits, "In these years I made many enemies. Yes, it is definitely a compliment to have Bette Davis eyes! Though Davis was enjoying success as part of Warner Bros. Studios, the headstrong and ambitious actress began to resent the hold the studios exercised over her, thanks to her highly restrictive contract. Here's What Bette Davis Thought About The Song Bette Davis Eyes. In Hush . In terms of singles, Mistaken Identity birthed three singles in addition to Bette Davis Eyes. Davis eventually made it through several theater productions to begin screen testing at various Hollywood studios, but this was just the start of several fresh humiliations. Bette Davis realised the power of her eyes at a young age. Of all the versions, it was singer Kim Carnes that became an international hit. Carnes has since returned to performing and recording, including releasing a new single called Our First Mistake. 's book. American. Davis: "Hollywood always wanted me to be pretty, but I fought for realism., (Her eyes, in The Letter: eyes shining in the moonlight as she shoots the man she loves, putting bullets in him long after he's dead, the vast expanse of her eyes showing a mix of both horror and satisfaction. I dont know her secrets, my life and world are nothing like hers, but I like the possibilities her famed eyes present: a windows-of-the-soul Rorschach test spanning nearly a century of pop culture. The anthemic chorus reminding us, again and again, of the meaning we make out of pressurized, gel-filled spheres; reminding us that eyes not only see, but are seen. According to the Beat Music Magazine in 2015, when asked what she thought of the song Bette Davis simply replied I never did like that song. It was the only year of the entire 1940s that Davis did not star in a movie, according to Stacker. Davis also won the hearts of many due to her high-spirited energy and sharp wit, which she utilized throughout her many roles and interviews.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'remodelormove_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',156,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-medrectangle-4-0'); In addition to her acting roles, Davis was also renowned for her activism, which included being one of the first high-profile celebrities to speak out about care and treatment for AIDS, as well as be one of the first members of Congress to speak in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s. At least it's not if you go by the lyrics of the song made popular by Kim Carnes back in the 1980's. Download now for FREE https://singking.link/yt-desc Karaoke sing along of "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes from S. Joan Crawford is deadgood!" Broadly, its a song in the Maneater veina woman who seduces for sportbut to listeners unaware of who Bette Davis is, there are few lyrical clues to what these eyes actually look like. They tended to blend together in my mind, but Davis herself stuck out. Directors like William Wyler had such success with Davis because they matched her in ambition and could also match her in the demands they made. Her combination of over-the-top delivery, cool demeanor, and unapologetic vitriol have made her a favorite of drag performers for generations. Another great trauma to Davis during these years was a tell-all memoir by her daughter B.D., titled "My Mother's Keeper." The subsequent trial drained Davis and heaped pressure on her relationship with her husband, Harmon Oscar Nelson. They were powerful and captivating, and this is why having Bette Davis eyes is seen as such a compliment. Lanzada en 1981 como parte de su lbum de estudio "Mistaken Identity", la cancin fue escrita por Donna Weiss y Jackie DeShannon, se convirti en un xito mu. Kim Carnes put it back in circulation and in the ensuing years the phrase has been applied to more women in more novels and biographies than it was back in Miss Davis' screen heyday. Ill be waiting for you to die., Biographer Ed Sikov: Few have equaled Daviss capacity to risk generating an audiences thoroughgoing contempt, let alone openly invite it . According to DeShannon, she got the idea after watching the 1942 Bette Davis movie Now Voyager.It was Donna Weiss who submitted the demo to Carnes, who along with her band and producer Val Garay, came up with the hit . The lyric has been seen as a celebration of female power and confidence, underpinned by the inclusion of Bette Davis, an icon of the silver screen known and respected across the world, in the songs title and as part of its chorus. Title Performer Release date Info; i: Bette Davis Eyes: THAT would be great. Friends ask what draws me in, fascinated with my fascination, and I tell them, to their dissatisfaction: Im curious about everyone elses curiosity. Throughout the history of popular music, multiple songs have been about real people. [18], Actress Bette Davis was 73 years old when Kim Carnes's version became a hit. Davis was already on her way to becoming Hollywood royalty. "At her best, she is devastating at her worst, she is merely the best Bette Davis caricature out of all the other stars doing Bette Davis caricatures." As a result of her iconic looks, having Bette Davis Eyes has become a way to refer to someone who has a similarly dramatic and captivating eye shape. After their Grammy wins, Davis sent them roses as well. 2 hit of 1981 in that country after "Stars on 45". She was also the first woman to receive theAmerican Film Institutes Lifetime Achievement Award. Check out the tab . Her eyes are beautiful - she has Bette Davis eyes. The first thing everyone tells me when they meet me is that I have Bette Davis eyes . One of these affairs was with William Wyler, the young, uber-masculine director of "Jezebel." The headline-grabbing case boosted Davis' reputation as a difficult and pampered actress, though despite the rift, the years that followed at Warner Bros. would be some of the most successful of her career. In 1947, Davis gave birth to a daughter, Barbara "B.D." How do you separate the person from the character the actress is playing? The love I never received as a kid, I give as much as they can bare to my kids. [63] It was released as a single in Australia on March 26, 2001,[64] debuting and peaking at number three on the ARIA Singles Chart on April 8, 2001. 2 in Canada for twelve consecutive weeks, and was the No. God had a purpose for me, cos Im still alive. She starred in several successful movies and hit singles throughout her illustrious career, helping to normalize African American representation in the entertainment industry. Its been well over a year since Ive started watching closer. Your email address will not be published. The memorable chorus features the repeated lines: Bette Davis eyes/Shell turn her music on you, adding to the songs mystique and charm. Davis and Merrill rowed violently over what they should do. [15] However, it was not until March 1981,[16] when Kim Carnes recorded her version of the song in a radically different synthesizer-based arrangement, that "Bette Davis Eyes" became a commercial success. Free shipping for many products! At some point, I asked him about the book face-down on his lap. And while likely intended as a tribute, Davis might have had an eye condition that caused her eyes to swell, contributing to her signature look while at the same time belying a medical problem, according to Smart Vision Labs. Davis actually wrote thank-you letters to Carnes, Weiss and DeShannon once this song became famous. The well of insults and back-handed compliments aimed at Davis physical appearance is deep and from our vantage point, its easy to see the level of objectification, the misogyny, the constricting limitations placed upon her. Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes (1981) HQ Clay Culver 26.7K subscribers Subscribe 9.5K 657K views 4 years ago "Bette Davis Eyes" is a song written and composed by Donna Weiss and Jackie. However, as Snopes notes, Davis published the ad before the release of "Baby Jane"; there was no certainty that the movie would be a success, but thankfully audiences, critics, and the Academy loved i.; Davis received an Oscar nomination for her performance, ensuring that she would be in high demand in the years that followed. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes - Used Vinyl Record 7 - E8100A at the best online prices at eBay! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'remodelormove_com-leader-4','ezslot_21',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'remodelormove_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',165,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-4-0_1');.leader-4-multi-165{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Bette Davis had strikingly distinct eyes that combined the features of several different shapes. Tells me when they meet me is that I have Bette Davis eyes is seen such... 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