is michael sussman related to donald sussman

The move was widely seen as supporting Trumps claims of a politically-motivated witch hunt against him. [12] Among Paloma's traders was Nicholas Maounis, who later formed Amaranth Advisors, to which Sussman provided seed money. }); Jim Simons, another hedge fund manager and seven-figure Priorities USA donor, has benefitted from the types of tax schemes identified by the leaks. [20][21] In 2015, Sussman sold MaineToday to Reade Brower, a Maine printer and newspaper owner.[22][23]. Donald S Sussman, 91. The indictment claimed that the cybersecurity attorney allegedly falsely stated that he was not working "for any client" when he presented evidence to FBI officials about communications between then-candidate Donald Trump and Russia. While protecting the independence of the institution is a noble cause, it cannot come at the expense of an innocent man being used as a pawn in an ugly political game that will further erode trust in our institutions. By Maggie Coughlan, Kia D. Goosby, and Miles Pope. They hoped the Sussman prosecution would be the first case in a series of prosecutions that would reach deep into the Clinton campaign. Carole Johnson served as Testing Coordinator between January-December 2021, and had previously spent five years as a window.adsContainer = {"positionAfterTitle":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle5_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position2":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_After_Title_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position3":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Below_Next_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position4":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position5":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle1_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position6":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle2_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position7":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle3_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position8":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle4_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position9":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle5_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position10":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle6_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position11":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle7_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position12":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle8_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position13":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle9_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position14":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle10_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position15":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle11_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position16":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle12_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"positionTop":{"code":"Article_Desktop_970x250_Header_Rel","isOrganicUserAd":false,"max_width":970,"max_height":250},"positionBottom":{"code":"Article_Desktop_Sidebar_Bottom_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":300,"max_height":600},"positionBottomRight":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_After_Title_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":336,"max_height":280}} Before the signature I am an actor opening bit, the SAG Awards 2023 red carpet is the place to be. hitType: 'event', Run a full background check on Catherine L Sussman. Mr Mueller's probe ended in 2019 with no finding of a criminal conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign, although it documented multiple contacts between Russians and members of the Trump team, as well as extensive attempts by the Russian government to undermine Mrs Clinton's Democratic campaign. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Ex-MSNBC host says she had to get permission to criticize Hillary Clinton, New book reveals how long ago Donald Trump wanted to be president, Monica Lewinsky took Bill Clintons eye off bin Laden, leading to 9/11: ex-aide, Ex-FBI head indicted for helping oligarch duck sanctions helped trigger Russiagate, acquittal of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, Cooper imposed strict limits on the scope of the evidence, origins of this information and the broader role of the Clinton campaign, three panelists had voted for Clinton in the past and contributed to her campaign. It is unclear whether Donald Sussman is technically a billionaire since so much of his wealth is hidden, but his billionaire-sized contributions and connections to Democratic political candidates undoubtedly earn him a place on this list.. A Shrewd Investor. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) { }); Another clue about why this case is being filed is the amount of detail contained in the 27-page indictment. A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted attorney Michael Sussman on a charge of lying to the FBI during the 2016 campaign, marking the second prosecution Sources say POTUS is livid with AG for disputing his voter fraud claims. In a city that voted over 90% for Clinton, this was a nightmare jury pool. document.querySelector("#adunit").addEventListener('click',function(){ It does this using a variety of methods, such as creating maze-like layers of companies and financial trusts in multiple countries and in many cases helping clients open overseas bank accounts in the names of anonymous companies rather than in their own names.". [11] In 2010, Sussman contributed $1 million to the University of the Virgin Islands, for a new science center. Thanks for contacting us. Prosecutors alleged Mr Sussman did so because he knew the FBI would be less likely to investigate if the information came from a partisan source. Read about our approach to external linking. Feb. 17 (UPI) -- A lawyer accused by special counsel John Durham of lying to the FBI about his ties to Hillary Clinton filed a motion Thursday asking to have his case 25). First, Sussmann maintains that he did not make the statement. It may be that Durham is using this indictment as a vehicle to disseminate what he has found to the public so that Trump and his allies can paint a false equivalence between the conduct of the Trump and Clinton campaigns. He was the recipient of Hedge Funds Reviews Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013 and Institutional Investors Jobs "Hillary will crack down on companies that shift profits overseas to avoid paying their fair share in U.S. taxes," Clintons campaign website says. The jury selection had to have been worrisome from the first day for Durhams team, he told The Post, adding that he was only a little surprised by the verdict. It is hard to see how the case Durham filed on Thursday against Washington lawyer Michael Sussman meets Justice Department standards. That case is set to go to trial in October. Former federal prosecutor James Trusty also noted concerns about the jury, pointing out that three panelists had voted for Clinton in the past and contributed to her campaign. Im shocked the DC Clinton donor jury let Clintons lawyer offHAHAHA just kidding, absolutely no one is shocked, tweeted former first son Donald Trump Jr. Hunter Biden off next then Paul Pelosi etc etc. Legal experts said they werent surprised by the verdict and that Durham was behind the eight ball from the start due to pre-trial rulings by Judge Christopher Cooper as well as potential jury bias. Michael Sussmann asked a federal judge to dismiss his single charge of making a false statement during a September 2016 meeting with the FBI. In court, he offered sometimes contradictory recollections of his meeting with the lawyer during which there were no recorded notes and frequently testified that he could not recall certain details of the conversation. Michelle Yeoh accepts the Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role for "Everything Everywhere All at Once" onstage during the 29th SAG Awards on Feb. 26 in Los Angeles. February 26, 2023. A grand jury only needs to find probable cause that a crime was committed to return an indictment, but DOJ policy requires a higher standard. Lets start with the easy one admissible evidence. "Opposition research is not illegal," he added, and if it were "the jails of Washington, D.C. would be teeming over.". Shaw & Company Hedge Fund Letters", "Black Swan Manager Returning 23% Anticipating Bear Market", "S. Donald Sussman's Paloma Partners Backs New Fund", "Chellie Pingree's husband gives boost to MaineToday Media", "Sussman-owned group acquires 75 percent share of MaineToday Media", "Press Herald papers purchased by midcoast businessman Reade Brower", "The man behind Maine's unparalleled consolidation of local news", "Blue Hill hospital gets $1 million gift", "Sussman Donates Plane for Haiti Relief Effort", "Bill Nemitz: Plane truth is that Donald Sussman's private jet flew dying Mainer home", North Haven resident donates building to Penobscot East Resource Center, Penobscot East Resource Center Has New Home, "Sussman Village opens ahead of schedule to positive reaction", "MIT Sloan Finance Group S. Donald Sussman Award", "Donald Sussman donates $1 million for Pen Bay Healthcare Hospice House", "Donald Sussman Donates $1 Million Towards The Cost of Completing The Pen Bay Hospice Center", "Trustee Sussman Donates $1 Million to UVI; Revised Tuition Remission Policy Approved". 1964), American attorney; Wilhelm Sssmann (or Wilhelm Sssman) (18911941), general in the Battle of Crete; Sussman The FBI lawyer that Sussmann met with in 2016, James Baker, was a key witness, who said that Sussmann told him he was not acting on behalf of a client and if he had known, he would have perhaps acted differently, but Sussmann's attorneys challenged his credibility. [26] In 2010, Sussman donated funds to the Penobscot East Resource Center (PERC), an organization promoting sustainable fisheries in Maine, to build the group a new facility in Stonington, Maine. WebMichael A Sussmann, born in 1964, is a former federal prosecutor and a former partner at the law firm Perkins Coie. McAdoo Gordon did not immediately respond to The Posts request for further comment. [41] He serves as co-chair of Carnegie Hall's Investment Committee,[42] and chair of Skidmore College's investment committee. Michael Sussman, 58, had been charged with lying to investigators and concealing his ties to Hillary Clinton's campaign. [37] Sussman also raised funds for the Al Gore 2000 presidential campaign and Connecticut U.S. "Justice ultimately prevailed in my case," Sussmann said outside court, The Washington Post reported. You will be notified in advance of any changes in rate or terms. S. Donald Sussman. "[12] Paloma achieved a profit in 15 out of its first 18 years. Despite that controversy and his ties to TrustNets network of offshore corporate entities, he has been one of the most prolific supporters of groups backing Clintons candidacy. ga('ads.send', { },false) The Crazy Rich Asians actor was We all know how this goes by nowOnly people not tied to the establishment DC swamp ever face accountability., Echoing Trump Jr.s language, the official Twitter account of the House Judiciary GOP posted: The Swamp always protects its own.. AUGUSTA, Maine U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree, a Democrat who represents Maines 1st District, said on Tuesday that she and her husband, Donald Sussman, have separated and plan to get a divorce. The case stemmed from Sussmann, who is also a prominent cybersecurity lawyer, bringing suspicions from odd Internet data that cybersecurity researchers found in 2016. But this allegation is refuted by its own witness. Some of Hollywoods biggest stars are gathering on the red carpet for the 29th Screen Actors Guild Awards. Special counsel John Durham charged lawyer Michael Sussman over a statement during a Sept. 19, 2016 meeting between Sussmann and the then-FBI general IE 11 is not supported. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. In 2019, then-Attorney General William Barr tasked Durham, who had been the U.S. Attorney in Connecticut, with investigating allegations that the FBIs probe into the Trump campaign had been improper. hitType: 'event', According to information leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Sussman is a director of Simply Radiant Ltd., a company based in the British Virgin Islands. He was unanimously acquitted by a jury May 31, the outlet reported. "The most generous megadonors of the 2020 cycle so far", "Hedge-fund manager S. Donald Sussman gave $21 million to pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA", "Top Contributors, federal election data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 cycle", "Maine Democrats find help elsewhere after megadonor's exit", "Donald Sussman to Deliver Opening Keynote at MANP Leadership Conference", "Board says farewell - and thanks - to seven trustees", "Super Bowl Scene: Giants Women Tackle Football in Tisches' Owners Box", "Brooksville's David's Folly Farm Creates Community", "S. Donald Sussman: 2011 Spurwink Humanitarian of the Year", "Chellie Pingree, Donald Sussman to end their marriage", "Eagle Class 53: The foiling cruiser inspired by the America's Cup", "Influencer Interview: Financier/Philanthropist Donald Sussman Explains His New, Hyper Fast Wing-Sail-Powered Yacht", "An interview with Tommy Gonzalez about the Eagle Class 53 foiling catamaran", "Boat of the Year 2020 Eagle Class 53: Best Multihull", "Alternative Investment News Announces Hedge Fund Industry Award Winners; Lone Pine Capital and HFR Asset Management Snag Awards; Sussman Honored. May 31 (UPI) -- Michael Sussmann, an attorney for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, was acquitted Tuesday on a felony charge of lying to the FBI about allegations against Donald Trump. Earlier this year, in a case brought by Durhams office, former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith was sentenced to 12 months probation after admitting to falsifying a document in internal emails over surveilling former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { In this jurisdiction, with this judge, Durhams team should have been making it hard for the jury to acquit, but they didnt.. "There is a difference," Berkowitz said, "between having a client, and doing something on their behalf," the Post reported. University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) President David Hall announced today that former Board of Trustees member Donald Sussman, a noted philanthropist, financier and a St. John homeowner, has made a $6 million, landmark donation to establish a medical school at the university. The jury composition was also challenging, Turley added. Read20 hours ago | The Editorial Board, Article viewed iconAn icon to mark the viewed articles Andy Bell, a spokesman for the Missouri Highway Patrol's Troop A said the house where the shooting happened still had not been cleared, as the standoff reached 14 hours. media-tech companies with hubs around the world. Berkowitz said that witness testimony showed the Clinton campaign didn't want the Alfa Bank allegations taken to the FBI since they preferred a news story about an investigation and feared an investigation could complicate or delay the story. Although making false statements to an FBI agent is a serious crime, the government must be able to prove each and every element of the offense. [24] The building was later named Sussman Medical Office Center". The date of the indictment carries one clue. reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. The Hospice House was named in honor of Sussman's grandmother, Ida Sussman. Mr. Comey had been told it came from a reliable source. He insisted he never knew exactly which Democrats had funded it. An individual named Harry S. Campbell is also listed as a director. }); Michael A Sussmann, born in 1964, is a former federal prosecutor and a former partner at the law firm Perkins Coie. When Fox News anchor Bret Baier asked about the origin of the infamous Trump dossier, James Comey brushed off most of the questions. [43] He has also served as a board member for the Center for American Progress, the Democracy Alliance, and the Foundation for Maine's Community Colleges. The evidence was there, but the govt did a terrible job trying this case. ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); The Crazy Rich Asians actor was And in a he said, he said faceoff, the ties goes to the defendant. The indictment alleges that Sussmann met with FBI General Counsel Jim Baker in September 2016 to provide information about connections between a Russian bank and the Trump Organization. In 2010, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Sussman donated the use of his private jet to transport medical supplies to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Instead, Sussman is accused of having misrepresented on whose behalf he was providing it. After the verdict was announced, Mr Sussman told reporters outside the court that the jury recognised he had not lied to the FBI. Republican lawmakers decried Tuesdays acquittal of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann by a federal jury Tuesday, with one GOP senator calling it proof there are separate systems of justice in America.. File Photo by AgnosticPreachersKid/, GOP senators grill Merrick Garland in first testimony before new Congress. WebFind Catherine L Sussman's address, phone number, email, photos, and social media accounts. [11] As a money manager, Sussman sought to keep fund strategies and management targeted rather than sprawling. EU sanctions al-Qaida-linked group, two leaders, National Rifle Association board re-elects longtime CEO Wayne LaPierre, Biden to meet with Fed chief Jerome Powell to examine rising inflation, Biden refers to shooting in U. of Delaware graduation speech, Enrique Tarrio, former Proud Boys leader, denied jail release. eventAction: 'click_adunit' [19], In 2012, Sussman invested approximately $3.3 million in MaineToday Media through Maine Values LLC to provide the Maine newspaper company with much-needed working capital. Let me put it another way, she added. According to the filing, Sussman and the tech executive also had a conversation with liberal activist lawyer Marc Elias. St. Croix Source: June 8th, 2021: Six million Sussman donation anchors vision for U.V.I. House Judiciary subcommittee tackles causes of fentanyl crisis. [6] He was raised in Miami, Florida[7] and attended high school at Windsor Mountain School, a boarding school in Lenox, Massachusetts. [39], In 2019, Sussman designed the first Eagle Class 53, a rigid-wing, sail-powered and hydro-foiled catamaran; he worked with Fast Forward Composites to build the cruiser. Campbells Soup Sales Were Declining. On the witness stand, Baker said he couldn't remember 116 times, according to Berkowitz. [9][10] After school, he served as vice president and chief financial officer of the Titan Industrial Corporation,[6] a privately held trading firm,[11] and then managed money for the partners of a New York law firm,[11] Gelberg & Abrams. The Durham prosecutors were facing extremely adverse conditions in this trial, George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley told The Post. [54][55] In December 2019, the Eagle Class 53 was recognized as the Best Multihull Boat of the Year 2020 by Sailing World.[56]. Sussmann was found not guilty of a single count of lying to the FBI when he passed the bureau now-discredited information in 2016 linking then-candidate Donald Trump and Russia. [46] In 2008, Sussman purchased Turner Farm, a historic farm located on the island of North Haven, Maine, 12 miles off shore in Penobscot Bay. By Maggie Coughlan, Kia D. Goosby, and Miles Pope. The indictment alleges that Sussman, an attorney at the firm Perkins Coie with ties to the Democratic Party, misrepresented who he was working for when he presented evidence to the FBI in 2016 of a link between the Trump Organization and the Russian financial company Alfa Bank. March 1 (UPI) -- The so-called Havana syndrome, a set of medical symptoms suffered by U.S. diplomats and military personnel overseas, is "very unlikely" caused by a foreign foe, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said. Michael Sussmann (b. According to the indictment, the unnamed tech executive provided nonpublic data obtained from internet companies as evidence to present to the FBIs top lawyer. document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ March 1 (UPI) -- Sgt. eventAction: 'render' article ul li { list-style: disc; padding: 5px 0; } presidential candidacy of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, "The top 10 Maine campaign donors in this year's elections include Sussman, Pingree, Stephen King",, Times of Israel: "Jewish donors fill candidates war chests, especially Clintons" By Eric Cortellessa, "Wealthy financier invests in Maine papers", New York Times: "S.D. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), [27][28] Sussman gave $12 million to Skidmore College, a private liberal arts college in Saratoga Springs, New York, as part of a larger $200 million effort to build co-ed student housing; the newly redeveloped student housing (renamed "Sussman Village") opened in 2013. "Personally, I don't think it should have been prosecuted," she added. Now 64 years old, Michael Sussman is running for Attorney General of New York as the Green Party candidate, his first run for statewide elected office after decades The "Everything Everywhere All at Once" star became the first Asian woman to take home the Best Actress award. With this indictment, Trump can now say that it was Clinton who brought information to the FBI about links to Russia in the first place and yet again claim the Mueller investigation was a hoax. pg.acq.push(function() { Includes Address (6) Phone (8) Email (5) See Results. }); Published under: Prosecutors from Special Counsel John Durhams office alleged that Sussman misrepresented himself during a meeting with the FBIs general counsel in 2016 in the hopes of organizing an October At the time, Mr Sussman was looking [18], In addition to the Paloma funds, Sussman is the founder of Trust Asset Management and New China Capital Management LLC. The materiality element requires a showing that the statement could influence a matter under consideration; not every false statement is a crime, only those that matter. Shaw & Co.[16][17] In 2013, Paloma Partners agreed to back Rhodium Capital Advisors, LLC. 623. Before the signature I am an actor opening bit, the SAG Awards 2023 red carpet is the place to be. "The firm helps ensure names, finances, business interests and political links remain hidden. "Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump," the filing claimed. hitType: 'event', A federal grand jury has indicted cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann as part of a special counsels probe into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, VideoRecord numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. The Durham investigation has been spotlighted by Mr Trump and his supporters as being pivotal to proving that the investigations into possible ties between Mr Trump and Russia - including Robert Mueller's 2017 special counsel inquiry - were part of a biased and unfounded scheme to derail his 2016 campaign and damage his presidency. Although making false statements to an FBI agent is a serious crime, the government must be able to prove each and every element of the offense. Sussman has denied working for the Clinton campaign and told congressional investigators in 2017 that he was representing an unnamed cybersecurity researcher in the meeting with the FBI. Michael Sussman, 58, had been charged with lying to investigators and concealing his ties to Hillary Clinton's campaign. News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and distributing authoritative and engaging content and other products and services. 31, the outlet reported a reliable source told reporters outside the court that the jury was... The University of the questions be the first case in a series of prosecutions would! Against Washington lawyer michael Sussman, 58, had been told it came a. The red carpet is the place to be said he could n't remember 116 times, according the! The Sussman prosecution would be the first case in a series of prosecutions that reach... He never knew exactly which Democrats had funded it, for a new science center tech executive also a! The red carpet is the place to be Turley told the Post its first 18 years sites... Were facing extremely adverse conditions in this trial, George Washington University law School professor Jonathan Turley told Post! 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