uss general butler

Making way for Long Beach, she moored at Net Pier on 2 February. J. J. Corcoran composed the traditional New Years Day deck log entry on 1 January 1954: New Years Eve and not a blonde in reach. After their attack, the SBD-3 pilots withdrew to the northeast. With his first taste of combat, Butler established himself as a capable leader. Maxwell F. Max Leslie, commanding) off Yorktown at 1106, seeking to destroy the Japanese carriers. Both ships proceeded to conduct a box search, but discontinued after ordered to rejoin the formation. Following training, in 1898 Butler was sent to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba after it had been captured. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The citation to Ens. Butler was launched on 12 February 1942 by Philadelphia Navy Yard, sponsored by Mrs. John Wehle, daughter of General Butler; and commissioned on 15 August 1942. At Trujillo, Bonillista Rebels and Honduran soldiers were fighting. After returning to her homeport, she stood out on 15 June for the Panama Canal Zone. With the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, John C. Butler recommissioned on 27 December 1950. Also never seen again were Ens. After Lt. Samuel Adams, of VB-5 spotted an enemy carrier group on the afternoon of 4 June 1942, 10 dive-bombers from VB-6 (and 14 from VB-3), took off from Enterprise at 1730. Namesake [ edit] John Clarence Butler was born on 2 February 1921 in Liberty, Arizona. On board were naval reservists going to sea, several for the first time, in order to experience and learn about their ratings. While commanding this force, he performed poorly during the Bermuda Hundred campaign, allowing Confederate general P.G.T. When he returned to the United States in 1919, he became Commanding General of the Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia, and served in this capacity until January 1924, when he was granted leave of absence to accept the post of Director of Public Safety of the City of Philadelphia. A return visit to Vancouver and Seattle in early September ended her underway period and port visits for the year. John C. Butler formed a part of a task unit including Rear Adm. Ralph A. Ofsties escort carriers Kitkun Bay (CVE-71) and Gambier Bay (CVE-73), alongside escort ships Dennis (DE-405), Raymond, and Samuel B. Roberts (DE-413). In 1915, the Haitians decided it was their turn to revolt. At 1501 on 10 July, both Weeden and John C. Butler departed Manzanillo in company with TU 31.1.9 en route to Long Beach. While Japanese aircraft seemed prevalent in the vicinity, none broke through the combat air patrol (CAP) of her carrier task unit while at sea. About a dozen Mitsubishi A6M2 Type 0 carrier fighters suddenly swarmed in amongst the slower Dauntless dive-bombers. John E. Pace, a survivor of both the attack on Pearl Harbor and sinking of Lexington (CV-2) at the Battle of the Coral Sea, received the Navy Cross for his role in the fight. Photo #: 19-N-51688. Five days later, she made way for her homeport. Butler received flight training at Pensacola from 4 April-29July 1941, and reported to the Naval Air Station, Miami, Fl., for further instruction (1 August). Naval Reserve as a seaman second class on 19 February 1941, at the age of 20, at Long Beach, California. Osborne B. Wiseman, claimed a direct hit on the ships stern, as well as a near miss. Originally built as USS Admiral E.W. Arriving at Oahu on 5 September at 1138, she conducted operations off Hilo (Kuhio Bay) on 8 September. Throughout the night, the Marines held their position until at daybreak they charged the superior enemy force which fled. He received flight training at Pensacola from 4 April-29July 1941, and reported to the Naval Air Station, Miami for further instruction (1 August). He remained on duty in Nicaragua until November 1912, when he rejoined the Marines at Camp Elliott, Panama. Butler piloted aircraft S-12, an SBD-3 Dauntless (BuNo 4617), with ARM3c David D. Berg as his radio-gunner, off Enterprise, searching for any forward deployed enemy ships that could radio back to Japan to give warning of the raiders. Detached from the screen of escort carriers on 15 April 1945, John C. Butler underwent repairs at Kerama Retto before taking an isolated patrol station just to the north of Ie Shima. The veteran DE took part in rehearsals in the Marianas, and arrived off Iwo Jima on 19 February with an escort carrier group. Carries about 4,000 troops. He returned to politics, and was elected governor of Massachusetts in 1882 after several unsuccessful campaigns. With about 100 men Butler led his Marines through asmall hole in a wall of the Fort. By November only the rebel mountain stronghold of Fort Riviere remained. Lester E. G. Setser, her commanding officer, ordered the colors and commissioning pennant hauled down. John C. Butlers gunners managed to shoot down four Zekes and one Oscar. The battleship West Virginia stood by Butler until power was regained, and assisted in driving off two more Japanese planes. The escort ship got underway for Pearl Harbor at 1625 on 7 April 1953. Known as The Banana Wars, they were a series of conflicts spanning 30 years in Central America and the Caribbean. Join us July 13-16! Butler, seeing explosions and fire engulf Sry, broke off his attack and targeted an enemy battleship (most likely a heavy cruiser). After a brief return to Long Beach, she steamed for Ensenada, Mexico, on 9 May. At 1705 on 12 December 1944, Edmonds reported a sound contact, making a three depth-charge attack at 1722. Inaba Michimune, commanding) struck the carrier port amidships and flooded three of her boiler rooms, killing six crewmen . Lt. Cmdr. In April, a force of nearly 6,000 US troops landed in Veracruz. From 1909 to 1912, Butler served as the muscle for US policy throughout Nicaragua and Panama. Butler and radioman-gunner ARM3c David Berg. USS Great Sitkin (AE-17) var ett ammunitionsfartyg av Mount Hood-klass, som tjnstgjorde i den amerikanska flottan frn 1945 till 1973. He was appointed a major general on May 16, 1861, being one of the first appointed by President Abraham Lincoln. The kamikazes bomb exploded on the port side of the flight deck, setting off a series of secondary explosions leading to her sinking. The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. He took part in the Battle of Tientsin in July and then the Gaselee Expedition. USS John C. Butler (DE-339) was the lead ship of her class of destroyer escorts in the service with the United States Navy from 1944 to 1946. This law drew great controversy in both the North and South, caused Confederate president Jefferson Davis to label Butler anoutlaw, and earned him the nickname Beast Butler. He was removed from this position in December of 1862, and given command of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina in November of 1863, which would become known as the Army of the James. USS General H. W. Butner (AP-113) was a troop transport that served with the United States Navy in World War II and the Korean War. Returning to her homeport on 10 July, she got underway with TU 98.20.1 on 27 July alongside George A. Johnson (DE-583), Thomas F. Nickel (DE 587), and Grady (DE-445), for Victoria, British Columbia. While picking up ARM3c Szpont, a heavy underwater explosion, believed caused by depth charges in the wrecked aircraft, caused some concern amongst the rescue crew. Butner (AP-113) was launched by the Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Kearny, N.J., 19 September 1943 under Maritime Commission contract for the Army; sponsored by Mrs. John J. McCloy; acquired by the . Disengaging, Butler noticed the smaller craft belching oil and smoke, estimating it later sank. John Clarence Butler--born in Liberty, Ariz., on 2 February 1921, to Walter and Irene Butler -- enlisted in the U.S. Training in antisubmarine exercises, often alongside Goss (DE-444), she anchored off Treasure Island, before returning to her homeport. John C. Butler returned to Okinawa on 4 July 1945, and spent the remainder of the war in convoy escort, principally between Saipan (2129 August), Ulithi (1 September10 October), Manus (118 November), and Pearl Harbor (1922 November). The escort carriers of Taffy 3, hidden in heavy smoke laid down by John C. Butler and other escort ships, managed to launch all aircraft. In March 1927, he returned to China for duty with the 3d Marine Brigade. In October 1918, aged 37, Butler was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. USS John C. Butler (DE-339) was the lead ship of her class of destroyer escorts in the service with the United States Navy from 1944 to 1946. This FREE annual event brings together educators from all over the world for sessions, lectures, and tours from leading experts. Screened by John C. Butler and other ships, the escort carriers claimed the destruction of 92 enemy planes by 17 January 1945, when orders arrived to detach and steam for Ulithi to stage for the invasion of Iwo Jima. 6,500nmi (12,000km; 7,500mi) at 12kn (22km/h; 14mph), This page was last edited on 7 November 2022, at 15:36. Ens. John C. Butler sailed on 26 March with transports; and, as the troops stormed ashore on 1 April, she resumed her now-familiar screening duties with carrier groups. After another short upkeep period, the escort ship received orders to report to Fleet Sonar School from 1629 September. After conducting training operations off the west coast during the first two weeks of April, John C. Butler anchored at Avalon, South Catalina Island, on 24 April. Remaining off Iwo Jima with the escort carriers, John C. Butler supported the troops fighting inland until the capture of the island on 19 February 1945. She was sold for scrapping in January 1948. In February 1926, he assumed command of the Marine Corps Base at San Diego, California. The next day, she proceeded with two destroyers in company with escort carrier Fanshaw Bay (CVE-70), entering Seeadler Harbor at Manus Island on 28 August. Eight to 10 enemy kamikazes, including Mitsubishi A6M Zeros (Zekes) and Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusas (Oscars), approached the escort ship intent on destroying it. Marvin D. Jones in command. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. On 5 December 1944, she made way at 0709 to screen carriers in TU 12.5.2, including Kitkun Bay, escort carrier Steamer Bay (CVE-87), and escort ship Edmonds (DE-406). USS Butler (DD-636), a Gleaves-class destroyer, is the only ship of the United States Navy to be named for Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, twice awarded the Medal of Honor. During the ensuing Battle off Samar on 25 October 1944, Taffy 3 began the morning conducting battle stations per regular morning alert at 0532. From September-November, the escort ship conducted short training cruises off San Diego. John C. Butler took on board 130 St. The escort ship underwent a routine overhaul from 1 October 19553 January 1956. USS GENERAL BUTNER, TAP-113 Air Force Units Army Units Coast Guard Units Marine Corps Units Navy Units Become a VetFriends Member Site Map Search Veterans & Personnel Photos, Humor, Stories & More Military Records & Resources Reunions, Parades, & Events Online Catalog About VetFriends My Profile MetLife Veteran Insurance Discounts Contact Us On 1 October, she stood out for Wilmington, Ca. 220 pages, Paperback. She arrived in the United States on 26 August and was decommissioned on 8 November 1945. Reporting for active duty at the Naval Reserve Aviation Base at Long Beach, Butler transferred to Naval Air Station (NAS), Pensacola, Fl., on 27 March. After conducting operations and training exercises, she returned to her homeport. Major General Butler died at the Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, on 21 June 1940, following a four-week illness. Butler was able to occupy Maryland's capital, Annapolis, and eventually Baltimore. Butler found the US consul hiding under the consulate floor boards and rescued him. She reported seeing an unidentified shiny black object surface and then submerge on her port quarter after her third attack. Once again, Butler (now a Major) was sent in with a contingent of Marines to intervene. For the next several months, from March-July 1951, John C. Butler moored at her homeport of Long Beach Naval Station. Suddenly, six kamikazes roared in amongst the group, with John C. Butler shooting down three, while two turned back, leaving one pilot to climb 6,000 feet into the air before diving straight down into Adm. Ofsties flagship Kitkun Bay. General H. W. Butner (AP-113) was launched by the Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Kearny, N.J., 19 September 1943 under Maritime Commission contract for the Army; sponsored by Mrs. John J.. ), John C. Butler, 15 August 1955, photographed by Esquivel of Utility Squadron 7. Butler was launched on 12 February 1942 by Philadelphia Navy Yard, sponsored by Mrs. John Wehle, daughter of General Butler; and commissioned on 15 August 1942, Lieutenant Commander M. D. Matthews in command. On 3 April, after termination of his enlisted service, he accepted an appointment as an aviation cadet in the Naval Reserve. The USS John C. Butler requires 2190000 Credits and USS Pettit with 1490000 XP to unlock. Ten days later, she paired with Raymond (DE-341) to act as an escort, arriving at Manus on 30 September for a brief replenishment and refit period. 31 . Creation Date: Unknown. Mopping up operations continued until the end of the month. The USS Genreal H W Butner was launched at the height of WWII, and was decommissioned in 1960. He was not yet 20 when the citizens of his native West Chester, Pennsylvania, presented him with a sword on his return from the Boxer Rebellion in China. They fought the Cacos in a short, intense hand-to-hand combat. This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. During World War I, he commanded the 13th Regiment in France. USS General H. W. Butner (AP-113), named for Henry W. Butner, was a troopship that served with the United States Navy in World War II and the Korean War.She was redesignated T-AP-113 in October 1949.. General H. W. Butner was launched by the Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock Company of Kearny, New Jersey, 19 September 1943 under Maritime Commission contract for the Army; acquired by the Navy 5 . Arriving at Pearl at 1325 on 12 November, she conducted exercises in the area off Oahu. Once in New Orleans, he was appointed as military governor, and commanded the city in rather controversial ways. He first saw action at the battle of Big Bethel, where he was defeated. Butler was shot in the thigh when he climbed out of a trench to save a fellow officer who had been wounded. Last edited on 16 December 2022, at 07:53, Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Describing shipborn radar units of the United States,, This page was last edited on 16 December 2022, at 07:53. Lo shot one of the enemy planes down, a second managed to sneak through and crash into her flight deck. (U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships Photograph BS-132040, National Archives and Records Administration, Still Pictures Division, College Park, Md. Receiving an assignment to carrier Saratoga (CV-3), arriving in port at San Diego, Butler flew one of the 43 Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers attached to Saratogas Scouting Squadron Three (VS-3) and Bombing Squadron Three (VB-3). For the next two-and-a-half hours, the task unit retired at best speed with the enemy force in pursuit, harassed by heavy gunfire from Japanese battleships, heavy and light cruisers, as well as destroyers. USS Genreal H W Butner (AP 113) (ex-MC 671) - Navy Transport Classification: Transport Status: Disposed of by MARAD sale Fleet: Launch Date: 9/19/1943 Commission Date: 1/11/1944 Attached to Rear Adm. Oftsies Lingayen Protective Group (TU 77.4.3), she escorted Kitkun Bay and Shamrock Bay (CVE-84) with destroyer escort OFlaherty (DE-340). After the completion of sea trials, the escort ship got underway for Acapulco on 26 February. From 1415 February, John C. Butler stood out for Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. It was during this time that Butler would gain many of his enemies. She decommissioned on 18 December 1957 and re-entered the Reserve Fleet, San Diego. Every purchase supports the mission. He was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. On 9 January 1955, John C. Butler stood out from her homeport and anchored at Wilson Cove, San Clemente. John C. Butler was laid down by Consolidated Steel Corporation, Ltd., in Orange, Texas, on 5 October 1943; launched on 12 November 1943, sponsored by Mrs. Walter C. Butler, mother of Ensign Butler; and commissioned on 31 March 1944. Smedley Darlington Butler, later known to thousands of Marines as "Ol' Gimlet Eye," was born 30 July 1881. He was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1853, and then to the Senate of theCommonwealthin 1859. USS Arthur was a bark acquired by the Union Navy during the American Civil War. Benjamin Butler graduated from Colby College in Maine in 1838, and was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1840, where he established a large criminal practice. John C. Butler remained in port during the month of December. His father served as a US Congressman for over 30 years, and his grandfather served two terms in Congress. The Japanese damaged and fearing heavier air attack had indeed reversed course. Donations to the Trust are tax deductible to the full extent allowable under the law. At 1830, John C. Butler proceeded to join Edmonds just as the destroyer reported sighting two torpedo wakes crossing her bow. Naval Academy, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, Historic Former U.S. Navy Bases and Stations, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of Native Americans to the U.S. Navy, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Annual Navy History and Heritage Awards - Main, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos. While repairs were ongoing, orders finally arrived for the escort ship to join TU 77.4.3, consisting of Kitkun Bay, Shamrock Bay, and OFlaherty. Steaming through the Panama Canal on 11 June, she arrived at Pearl Harbor on 26 June, engaging in convoy and training operations throughout July. From late February-late March, she conducted operations in the San Diego area, before getting underway again for Ensenada on 29 March. During his next session of combat, Butler proved his legendary abilities; as well as his disdain for war. Reporting for active duty at the Naval Reserve Aviation Base at Long Beach, Butler transferred to Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida on 27 March. Designated a Naval Aviator on 29 August he was appointment as Ensign in the Naval Reserve on 6 September, before receiving orders to the Advanced Training Group (ACTG), U.S. Pacific Fleet, for active duty, involving flying under instruction on 17 September. Recalled on 23 December (the same day Wake fell to the Japanese), the task force returned to Pearl four days later before putting out for Midway Island to conduct patrol duties on 31 December. This vessel participated in the European and Pacific theaters of operations during the second World War. The crew enjoyed a few days of liberty before the escort ship returned to San Diego Bay on 8 May. John C. Butler, being towed by the stern, shortly after completion, and prior to application of camouflage. Download Medium Size Download Full Size. Displacement: 1630 tons. She was used by the Union Navy as a gunboat in support of the Union Navy blockade of Confederate waterways. He became a US Marine Corps Major General, the highest rank achievable at the time, and when he died, he was the most decorated Marine in US history. The carriers bomber squadron, VB-3, land-based until the spring of 1942, reported for temporary duty to Enterprise, due to heavy losses suffered by VS-6 in early raids against Japanese targets. General Butler, assessing the situation, now changed his mission. They thenleft the area, and the fighting resumed. On 31 December 1944, John C. Butler departed Ulithi with her escort carrier group as a part of the covering force for transports and amphibious ships approaching Lingayen Gulf. From 12 to 30 August she escorted Royal Navy escort carriers taking part in Operation Dragoon. Benjamin Butler became one of the most disliked generals of the war, upsetting many on both sides of the conflict. The crew celebrated the holidays on leave with their families while the ship remained in port. Send Students on School Field Trips to Battlefields Your Gift Tripled. Appointed from that same state in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Second. Arriving off Leyte Island on 19 October, John C. Butler and the other ships of Rear Adm. Ofsties escort carrier unit joined Rear Adm. Thomas L. Spragues Escort Carrier Task Group (TG) 77.4; comprising three escort carrier units designated Task Unit (TU) 77.4.1 (Taffy 1), TU 77.4.2 (Taffy 2), and TU 77.4.3 (Taffy 3). He went on to fail once again at Fort Fisher, North Carolina, and was ordered by Union general Ulysses S. Grant to return home to await orders. John C. Butler then departed Pearl Harbor on 9 August screening transports bound for the invasion of the Palau Islands. In 1861, Butler was a militia general who tricked his way into command of the 6th and 8th Massachusetts regiments to open the way through Maryland to Washington, D.C. After seeing them safely to Tulagi, the ship operated with escort carriers out of Manus Island on pre-invasion strikes. On 25 November, John C. Butler got underway for Acapulco, making a port visit there from 16 December. Butler launched in plane B-12, again with ARM3c Berg as his radio-gunner, in 16 VB-3 (Lt. Cmdr. SMEDLEY D. BUTLER, USMC A week later, the escort ship stood out for Balboa, Canal Zone, entering the area on 25 June. In October, leading a patrol of 44 mounted Marines, they were ambushed by over 400 Cacos fighters. John Clarence Butler was born on 2 February 1921 in Liberty, Arizona. Departing with escort carriers on 31 December, she protected amphibious transports steaming to the invasion of Luzon. She returned to San Pedro, Los Angeles on 23 November and decommissioned on 26 June 1946, joining the Pacific Reserve Fleet at San Diego, California. ), Port side view of John C. Butler, Boston, 29 May 1944; note unstowed depth charges on the main deck, aft. General H.W. He and his wingman, Lt. The American Battlefield Trust and our members have saved more than 56,000 acres in 25 states! In October, leading a patrol of 44 mounted Marines, they were ambushed by over 400 Cacos fighters. Rear Admiral Clifton A. F. Sprague, commander of Taffy 3, later described the next surprising development: "At 0925 my mind was occupied with dodging torpedoes when near the bridge I heard one of the signalmen yell, ' dammit, boys, they're getting away!' This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. Beauregard to slow him down with an inferior force. Steaming for a port visit to Seattle on 2 August, John C. Butler stood out for training exercises in the area before anchoring off the coast from the 6th-10th. 113) 1946 at Smai China." The text on the back reads, "U.S.S. The ship returned to Okinawa with a convoy on 4 July, and spent the last month of the long war on convoy duty between that island and the Pacific advance bases. The First American President: Setting the Precedent, African Americans During the Revolutionary War, Save 42 Historic Acres at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Phase Three of Gaines Mill-Cold Harbor Saved Forever Campaign, An Unparalleled Preservation Opportunity at Gettysburg Battlefield, For Sale: Three Battlefield Tracts Spanning Three Wars, Preserve 128 Sacred Acres at Antietam and Shepherdstown. Bill Nesbit." Physical Description 1 photograph : b&w ; 17 x 8 cm. The USSButler, a destroyer, later converted to a high speed minesweeper, was named for MajGen Butler in 1942. But Vice Admiral Takeo Kurita's Center Force still transited San Bernardino Strait the night of 2425 October, and just after sunrise bore down on the relatively unprotected Taffy 3, including John C. Butler. "Profile of Major General Smedley Butler, Banana War Crusader." ThoughtCo, Jul. From 2326 June, she made port visits to Panama and Callao, Peru. In 1903 Butler was sent to Honduras to defend the US Consulate during a revolt. Butner (AP-113) Howard's hand-written comments: One of our large troop carriers. He enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve as a seaman second class on 19 February 1941 at Long Beach, California. Withdrew to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1853, and tours from leading experts on duty in Nicaragua November... Off Iwo Jima on 19 February with an escort carrier group completion, was. 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