If we allow our attention and energy to be taken up in efforts to keep others right and remedy their faults, we are wasting precious time. If capable, those between the ages of 15 and 70 are required to fast 19 days a year, going without food or drink from sunrise to sunset. On the contrary, it would make the dust to settle so thickly on the heart that the ears would hear no more, and the eyes would no longer behold the light of truth. Ironic, considering that many Bahais have non-Bahai parents who may even be racist, and thus object to their children marrying members of a different race. He was asked 'How shall I overcome seeing the faults of othersrecognizing the wrong in others? In Iran, where the religion was founded, universities refuse to admit Baha'i students, Baha'i cemeteries have been destroyed and the countrys Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has confiscated properties from Baha'i families. in practice you would have lost your administrative rights anyway,. Without the support of the UUs at First Jefferson Church, I might have never had the courage to do battle against the corrupt, idiotic Haifan Bahai Administrative Order as I have done. Subsequent public protests and mob violence claimed the lives of thousands of his followers. He taught there is one God and one human family, and that the great religions of the world represent successive stages in the spiritual evolution of human society. The faith has no priesthood and does not observe ritual forms in its worship. ", "He feels that you should do your utmost to call the attention of the friends to these large things, and real triumphs, and away from their personal differences and petty pre-occupations. Its 2014 now. Now is certainly not the time for any man to think of himself, or busy himself with the weaknesses of his brother; but, rather each and every Bah must concentrate on the tasks ahead and be reborn in the service of Bahullh. But even if these are not taken from the records it still does not make them either true or false. Shouldst thou transgress this command, accursed wouldst thou be, and to this I bear witness. The Quran puts forth the same idea, because along with Muhammad it includes the Old Testament prophets and also Christ. I should update this by noting that I separated from Cheri in December of 2011 and filed for divorce from her on May 7, 2012, finally getting the divorce granted on August 15, 2012. Since then, the Bahai International Community, as a non-governmental organization with a permanent seat at the United Nations, has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. For you I desire spiritual distinction; that is, you must become eminent and distinguished in morals. ", " Backbiting quencheth the light of the heart, and extinguisheth the life of the soul. A few weeks later, the NSA replied that they had accepted my resignation and expressed hope that I would one day decide to return. My life and Cheris together are proof that it can work! 6. Bah World News Service Bah' International Community, has confiscated properties from Baha'i families. In the West, liberals have criticized the Bah Faith for some of its conservative social practices, notably the prohibition on premarital or homosexual intimacy for Bahs. He observed only the whiteness of the teeth and overlooked entirely the deformity of the body, the dissolution of its organs and the bad odour. Try making a comment like an adult and I will then treat you like one. Therefore, Baha'u'llahs teachings specifically advocate for racial unity, gender equality, universal education, and harmony of science and religion. Goodbye. promoting the Baha'i Faith for twenty years. The more the friends argue back and forth and maintain, each side, that their point of view is the right one, the worse the whole situation becomes. You don't need to belong to a religion to be of service to others and do good in the world. The Baha'i Faith is a dynamic world religion with several million adherents from a variety of different religious and cultural backgrounds. Once they are ADULTS, they should be treated like adults, period. The global Baha'i community is not just a group of well-meaning people. In the summer and fall of 2004, I gradually came to the conviction that the Bahai Faith was no longer worthy of my allegiance. In Acre in northern Israel, a former prison city of the Ottoman Empire, the barracks where Bahullh was imprisoned starting in 1868. The Bb was arrested and, after several years of incarceration, was executed in 1850. How white they are!' [19] Baha'u'llah, whose name means Glory of God in Arabic, was born in Tehran in 1817. "You also ask what one should do to 'handle depression and anger with someone' one feels 'very positively about'. [1][2], The criticism and challenges it has faced vary considerably in different regions of the world. Whenever you recognize the fault of another, think of yourself! Browne wrote that while he found them admirable, in his view they are inferior to the simplicity and beauty of the teachings of Christ. If, on the other hand, God's own nature is said to be contradictory, that is, that God is both one God and many gods, that God is both able and not able to have a son, personal and impersonal, etc., then the Bahai concept of God is reduced to meaninglessness. Hi, exmuslim atheist here. Pingback: Why I Abandoned the (Haifan) Bahai Faith? In 1852, two years after the execution of the Bb, a fringe element in the . Paradise and Paradigm - Christopher Buck 1999-01-01 Comparing paradise imagery in two Persian religions, early Syriac Christianity and the Baha'i Faith, this work contributes to religious studies methodology by introducing "symbolic paradigm analysis." The Baha'i Faith in Africa - Anthony Lee 2011-10-28 It is free information and it is offered without any coercion on your free will about what to do with it. From my understanding, Baha'i Faith is an offshoot from Islam but still believes in Muhammad. In the West, liberals have criticized the Bah Faith for some of its conservative social practices, notably the prohibition on premarital or homosexual intimacy for Bahs. He teaches that God is a loving Parent who never uses threats or fear or guilt or shame in relating to Her/His children. Still others encircle this garden inhaling the fragrance of the flowers, having enjoyed its full beauty, pass out again by the same gate. Do it yourself clergy aka the horrible administrative order, no politics allowed aka also another side effect of the administrative order as a model for the world at large, no alcohol drugs gambling gossip sex outside of heterosexual monogamy aka loads and loads of rules, etc are all drawbacks of being a Bahai. In our group, the discourse enabled all participants to deal upfront with common misconceptions about their religions, and allowed panelists and audience members to be exposed to religions unfamiliar to them. The great bulk of Bah teachings is concerned with social ethics. At the same time, the Baha'i faith has spread around the globe. Thanks! Knowing you seem similar to my mindset from a brief review of your site, I might be more inclined to try the UU route. If manifestations are allowed to contradict one another, then there is no way to separate false manifestations from true ones or to discover if any of them really speak for the true and living God. Cults have charismatic leaders, and Bahais have no clergy or leaders at all. People who leave the religion, transgress community standards, or attack it externally are not considered Covenant-breakers. "I hope that the believers of God will shun completely backbiting, each one praising the other cordially and believe that backbiting is the cause of Divine wrath, to such an extent that if a person backbites to the extent of one word, he may become dishonored among all the people, because the most hateful characteristic of man is fault-finding. Soon the Bbs teachings spread throughout Iran, provoking strong opposition from both the Shii Muslim clergy and the government. Instead, he joined a new religious movement, started by a young Iranian, known as the Bab. But His Holiness Christ said: 'Look at its teeth! The Christian Grace Network on YouTube November 23, 2022. "This is the attribute of the children of the Kingdom. | The Bahai Insider, Dale Husband: Why I Abandoned the (Haifan) Bahai Faith Bah Censorship, Another reason to despise Michael Shermer | Dale Husband's Intellectual Rants, A Critical Analysis of the The Kitb-i-Aqdas, Part Three | Dale Husband's Intellectual Rants, A Conversion to Mormonism | Dale Husband's Intellectual Rants, Featured in a magazine critical of the Bahai Faith | Dale Husband's Intellectual Rants, Why I Rejected the Bahai Faith, 4th Edition | Dale Husband's Intellectual Rants. claimed the lives of thousands of his followers. The Bah Faith is a relatively new religion teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. But ere long this merciful door will be closed and such enemies will be attacked with a madness. Abd al-Bah actively administered the movements affairs and spread the faith to North America, Europe, and other continents. Required fields are marked *. IV. Check your email for the latest from BahaiTeachings.org. Its first leader, the Bb, was imprisoned and executed for heresy in 1850, and Bahu'llh, another central figure, was exiled from Iran and both the Ottoman and Persian Empires tried to destroy his movement. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. [19] Abdu'l-Bah said that it would become clear in the future why the restriction was in place. Extract from Dale Husbands blog. For backbiting is divisive, it is the leading cause among the friends of a disposition to withdraw. You will overcome self, you will not even have time to think of the faults of others'. The first is that they equate Krishna to many other prophets, as if somehow Krishna in either case is the main god or spokesperson or prophet of Hinduism as a monolithic religion. If the Bahs would follow the Bah laws in voting, in electing, in serving and in abiding by Assembly decisions, all this waste of strength through criticising others could be diverted into cooperation and achieving the Plan. The principal Bah tenets are the essential unity of all religions and the unity of humanity. Do this whenever you are tried through the words or deeds of others. Corrections? I encourage you to look him up and see if it resonates with you. Ottoman officials later moved Baha'u'llah to the prison city of Akka in Palestine. Quoted in, Last edited on 12 February 2023, at 13:17, Political accusations against the Baha'i Faith, "The Economist explains: The Bahai faith", "Possible Criticisms of the Baha'i Faith from a Feminist Perspective", "The Baha'i Faith in America as Panopticon, 1963-1997", "Fundamentalism in the Contemporary U.S. Baha'i Community", "Bah' Youth and Sexuality A Personal/Professional View", "Missionary as Historian: William Miller and the Bah' Faith", "Marginality and Apostasy in the Baha'i Community", "An Introduction to Bah' Law: Doctrinal Foundations, Principles and Structures", "A Short Introduction to the Bah' Faith", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Criticism_of_the_Bah_Faith&oldid=1138934100, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 13:17. In Iran and other parts of the Middle East, Bahs continue to be criticized for breaking with Islam and accused of conspiring with western powers, resulting in intense persecution and the loss of civil rights. The Baha'i faith. There is, of course the right of appeal from the Local to the National Assembly, and from that to Shoghi Effendi,* but the matter ought to be dealt with, in the first instance, by the Local Spiritual Assembly. Actually, Bahais have been imprisoned and martyred since their Faith began in Persia, because of the persecution of the powerful Islamic clerics who consider the Bahai Faith and its progressive principles a threat. Thus you will grow, become more perfect. ", "The worst enemies of the Cause are in the Cause and mention the Name of God. ", " If any soul speak ill of an absent one, the only result will clearly be this: he will dampen the zeal of the friends and tend to make them indifferent. I am totally convinced that the Bahai Faith is doomed to fail in its mission to bring peace, unity, and a Golden Age to humanity and I therefore resign from my past membership in the Faith. More recently I found that the Dalai Lama said something similar in just two paragraphs of his 10-chapter book, he says hes not an advocate of religious syncretism such as you find in Bahaism.. When people say that the Bahai Faith has something to do with Judaism, its often a result of confusing the word Bahai with Bnai Brith, a service organization dedicated to the social and educational betterment of Jews. To put you in touch with a Bahai in your area who can answer your questions, we would like to kindly ask for a few details about yourself. An unethical teaching from the Caleb and Sophia Series December 24, 2022. (Quoted in Star of West, Vol. Its first leader, the Bb, was imprisoned and executed for heresy in 1850, and Bahu'llh, another central figure, was exiled from Iran and both the Ottoman and Persian Empires tried to destroy his movement. The followers of such splinter groups are shunned and not considered Bahs by the majority. The local spiritual assembly has jurisdiction over all local affairs of the Bah community. ", "Indeed the believers have not yet fully learned to draw on each other's love for strength and consolation in time of need. His writings, which promote peace and unity, are at the heart of the . Baha'is have also been discriminated against in Yemen and in Egypt. Its like Scientology in trying to manage apostasy in this way. You may know of some other misconceptions, and I learned on our interfaith panel that they can be a wonderful topic for public discussion. Thornton Chase was the most prominent among the first American Baha'is and made important contributions to early activities. p. 192) Bahullh says in the Hidden Words: 'Breathe not the sins of others so long as thou art a sinner. Abdo presented the following list of criticisms of the Bah Faith from a feminist perspective at an annual gathering for Bah studies in 1995: the ineligibility of women to serve on the Universal House of Justice--this is of particular interest to supporters of women priests within the Christian tradition; the intestacy laws in the Kitab-i-Aqdas; the dowry laws with particular reference to the virginity refund clause; the exemption of menstruating women from obligatory prayers and the implication of menstrual taboo; the use of androcentric language and male pronouns in texts; the emphasis on traditional morality and family values[18]. Bahs believe that all the founders of the world's great religions have been manifestations of God and agents of a progressive divine plan for the education of the human race. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. Consider this your only warning!). [15] Douglas Martin wrote that Miller's writings were driven by animus against what he saw as a successful rival faith that was moving into Christian lands. ", "As regards backbiting, i.e., discussing the faults of others in their absence, the teachings are very emphatic. Baha'u'llahs father was a minister in Irans government, which supported Shi'i Islam as the state religion. Pingback: Why I Abandoned the (Haifan) Bahai Faith | Dale Husband's Intellectual Rants. 2,070. Vangelis was a Living Legend.and he Remains a Legend Forever! I was recently invited to participate on an interfaith panel where we all responded to this question: What are the truths and misconceptions about your Faith? Baha'is believe that God has . All done! It will endeavor to present criteria for the labels "world religion" and "new religious movement," as well as explore to what extent the Bah' Faith fulfils these criteria. AJs concepts are not a religion or a cult. The followers of such sects are labeled Covenant-breakers, shunned, and viewed as enemies of the faith. by Jeremy Butler | Mar 25, 2010 | Baha'i, World Religions. By clicking "Submit", I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and consent to receive communications (email, telephone call, or text message) from Bahaiteachings.org about news, events and offers, including via automated technology and/or prerecorded calls or messages to the number and email provided above, even if my number is a mobile number or is currently listed on any state, federal or corporate Do Not Call list. I would later realize how useful those books could have been as weapons against my former religion, but I also was able to find enough online resources for my purposes. An overwhelming majority of Bbs acknowledged his claim and thenceforth became known as Bahs. Bahais have no clergy. The Bahs must be distinguished from others of humanity. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. We should therefore, as tactfully as possible, but yet firmly, do our utmost to prevent others from making accusations or complaints against others in our presence.". Thank you so much! Of course, because the Bahai teachings emphasize the oneness of all religion, Bahais believe in the Jewish prophets and revere their Faith. "The question of dealing with those who call themselves Bahs but who act in ways which we believe to be detrimental to the interests of the Cause is a very difficult one. These are worded in a way to seem like crazy conspiracies. ". Bahais have no clergy, and in every location where they reside, Bahais live according to this administrative order, following the guidance given to them by the Universal House of Justice, the first truly democratic global system of governance. Pingback: Why peace activists (and critics of religion) sometimes fail Dale Husband's Intellectual Rants. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. Despite their apparent differences, the worlds great religions, according to the Bahs, teach an identical truth. Some discover a hornets nest in the garden and fearing being STUNG TO DEATH, run out of the garden in horror. Bahais believe in the agreement of science and religion; and accept that religion must have practical benefit for humanity in fact, Abdul-Baha said, otherwise it would be preferable to have no religion. I, too, am considering resigning my membership. A primary theme of Baha'u'llahs teachings is achieving world peace through the establishment of unity, justice and equality. "Thou hast written regarding aims. In 'Star of the West', Volume 8, No. Your opinion is based on no facts whatsoever and therefore is not worth considering. [27] For example, Juan Cole converted to the Bah Faith in 1972, but later resigned in 1996 after conflicts with members of the administration who perceived him as extreme. Even if what is said against another person be true, the mentioning of his faults to others still comes under the category of backbiting, and is forbidden.". A Unitarian Bahai comes across as an idiot, again! His most well-known book is The Hidden Words, which is composed of short poetic statements that get to the heart of his spiritual and ethical teachings. The Baha'i Faith is a scriptural religion; the current written texts are considered fully authoritative. [1] Summed up in Baha'u'llahs words: The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.. When this is done, one can be a friend to the whole human race. While Bahais dont have traditional churches or mosques, local Bahai communities may decide to rent or buy a meeting place, usually called a Bahai Center, depending on the size of the Bahai community and their circumstances. 3 - Belief that all religions are valid, and that the Torah and Gospel have . In any case, good luck to you and God Bless. What are my imperfections?and try to remove them. Throughout his life, Bah'u'llah penned over 100 . The electoral process excludes parties or factions, nominations, and campaigning for office. Shouldst thou transgress this command ACCURSED ART THOU.' In all other levels of administration (other than the UHJ), however, women have always been eligible to serve, often contrary to prevailing cultural or societal norms. I composed that letter on my computer and mailed it in January of 2005. ", "I desire distinction for you. If some means were devised so that the doors of backbiting could be shut eternally and each one of the believers of God unsealed his tongue in the praise of the other, then the teachings of His Holiness Baha'o'llah (Bahullh) would be spread, the hearts illuminated, the spirits glorified and the human world would attain to everlasting felicity. ", "When criticism and harsh words arise within a Bah community, there is no remedy except to put the past behind one, and persuade all concerned to turn over a new leaf, and for the sake of God and His Faith refrain from mentioning the subjects which have led to misunderstanding and inharmony. It is not an ordinary distinction I desire: not scientific, commercial, industrial distinction. In 1863, shortly before being moved by the Ottoman government to Constantinople (now Istanbul), Bah Allh declared to his fellow Bbs that he was the messenger of God foretold by the Bb. On no subject are the Bah teachings more emphatic than on the necessity to abstain from fault-finding and backbiting, while being ever eager to discover and root out our own faults and overcome our own failings.' I cant remember if it was one year or two years, but it was probably closer to one year. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Cults separate themselves from society, and Bahais take part in society. Normally, it is possible to describe the situation surrounding a problem and seek help and advice in resolving it, without necessarily mentioning names. But its root is lack of faith in the system of Bahullh, i.e., the Administrative Orderand lack of obedience to Himfor He has forbidden it! He must be a lover of the rose, no matter in what soil it may be growing. The Bah community is governed according to general principles proclaimed by Bah Allh and through institutions created by him that were elaborated and expanded on by Abd al-Bah. But. Deborah Clark Vance earned a Ph.D. from Howard University in Intercultural Communication and served as Assoc Prof. and Chair of the Dept of Comm & Cinema at McDaniel College. How can they best reach you? Deeds not words are what they demand, and no amount of fervor in the use of expressions of loyalty and adulation will compensate for failure to live in the spirit of the teachings.". Criticism of the Baha'i Faith I can only speak for myself, but I consider direct and detailed criticism of the Baha'i Faith to be an essential part of the recovery process involved in leaving it. Many things are preserved in records as matters of opinion; no one has given a verdict on this matter! We need not fear the enemies on the outside for such can be easily dealt with. The principles of the Bah' Faith were established by Bah'u'llh, the Founder of the Faith, in the latter half of the nineteenth century and promulgated by His Son and appointed successor, 'Abdu'l-Bah during a tireless twenty -nine year ministry.While on an historic teaching trip in 1912 throughout the United States and Canada, 'Abdu'l-Bah explained Bah'u'llh's Teachings to . "[13], William McElwee Miller (18921993) was a Presbyterian missionary in Iran who published a polemic titled The Baha'i Faith (1974), in which he attacked the religion by promoting the views of individuals opposing Bah leadership. The members of the Hands of the Cause of God were appointed by Bah Allh and Shoghi Effendi. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Located there long before Israel became a nation, it happened because Bahaullah had been exiled to the prison city of Akka in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire, about 85 years before the state of Israel was founded. This body applies the laws promulgated by Bah Allh and legislates on matters not covered in the sacred texts. The clear, forthright responses he gave to the criticism that "the Baha'i Faith offers nothing new," have become, during the intervening century, a classic catalog of the many unique and unprecedented aspects of the Baha'i teachings and principles. opinion. [32][33] He specifically criticized the work of individual Bah scholars he saw as defending Bah orthodoxy at the expense of historical rigour, including William S. Hatcher,[32] Muhammad Afnan,[32] Juan Cole[33] (although Cole subsequently left the religion), Nader Saiedi,[34] and Moojan Momen. Yes, intermittent fasting has become pretty trendy, for this physical fast is a symbol of the spir, At the beginning of the 20th century, what did a P, One must see in every human being only that which, Every tender heart wonders What can I do to hel, Act in such a way that your heart may be free from, While sorrow and suffering seem to be inescapable, What is the Best Way to Worship? The globe never uses threats or fear or guilt or shame in relating to Her/His children an ordinary i... To Her/His children have lost your administrative rights anyway, a way to seem like crazy conspiracies still believes Muhammad., think of the Bah Faith is a relatively new religion teaching the essential worth of religion! Bahs, teach an identical truth parties or factions, nominations, and harmony of science and religion Muhammad! `` backbiting quencheth the light of the Faith in Muhammad and mailed it in January of 2005 the was! 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