My name is Robin Poon and I am editor of a publication called Investors Digest of Canada. but, better late than never right? Ill be listening for your song on the radio, (in my regular car). I hear about this a lot, from guys like Peter Schiff. My employer account does not offer VTSAX, although I was able to invest in VBTLX (10%), I split the rest between small cap and medium cap equity index funds. True in many aspects of life that we over complicate things way too much for way too little incremental value (if any added value at all). As I was explaining the ins and outs of your incredibly simple system, I became more and more elated as I realized that we have the good fortune to be able to take control of our future in a way I never thought was possible without hitting the lottery. Thanks so much! My (lazy but brilliant) 15 year old read it, enjoyed it, and did an English project around it. Thanks for the invite to Morocco. For this reason, my thinking is we should always be investing for the long-term. I don't see real estate as being passive. I had no frame of reference to that point. The financial institutions encourage it. Ive taken Mr Andrew Hallams advice and Ive invested in VXC, VCN and VUN. an online bank account where you buy and store gold, basically putting your savings on a gold standard. We are interested in publishing them in complex Chinese-language in Taiwan, is this book available? Congratulations to JL Collins. Fast forwarding I quit drinking at age 22, I was a bit of a trouble maker in my youth and my student loans went to paying for some of my mistakes. Im at ease for the first time in my life. Youve sustained a thoughtful dialogue on an important topic via a challenging medium. Hope to see you on the site now and then. Justin. However, it grows tax free and withdrawals once you begin taking them are tax free. They very much match your own. Dang,Jim! The road to Zanzibar sometimes goes thru Ecuador Chainsaws, Elm Trees and paying for College, Snatching Victory from the Jaws of Defeat, Top Ten reasons your future is so bright it hurts my eyes to look at it, The Most Dangerous Words Your Customer Can Say, Why I cant pick winning stocks, and you cant either. There's a certain percentage, and I think it's like 20% or 25% that will outperform it on any given year. Then we learned that if we invested a certain dollar amount with American, we would pay no sales charges. I have been called The Godfather of FI. Were really interested in your book The Simple Path to Wealth and wanna publish it. Finally, we'd love to get your feedback. I had a question I wanted to ask and went to the Ask jlcollinsnh but I see that section is closed for now. Thanks in advance. Readers from all over have added their insights. But there's some subject matter, topics that are just harder for some people to absorb than others. With that in mind. Should they invest in 100% total index fund? So, I am sort of broken myself of the addiction. My first real job was scrubbing out big metal ice cream cans. My time horizon is about 8 10 years (Im 62). possible and to always take the path of least resistance. Its not just your daughter who is benefitting from all this! For the most part Ive enjoyed my jobs and the only complaint was they took up so much freaking time. The course takes kids through budgeting, saving, credit and investing. This is Hannah from a Chinese publisher, were very much interested in your book The Simple Path to Wealth. Is FID 500 Index similar to VTSAX? . Interesting question. Its like being your own robo-advisor! I would greatly appreciate your view on my article: I look forward to hearing from you. Note that today is 2021 and things have changed since the publishing of your book. Slots will go to the highest bidders and you can bid in one of two ways: A dollar amount, with the minimum bid starting at $1,000,000. In a simple, engaging way, Collins shares the basic wisdom you need to make your money work for you, not against you. Because if the market goes up, that means that every additional amount of money you put in, you're going to get fewer shares for that. I have forwarded your contact info to my agent. Hello. Stocks -- Part XXV: HSAs, more than just a way to pay your medical bills. So, that keeps people from raiding them, which is something that you can't say of liquid investment accounts. This has made me immune to feeling bad about the market dropping fast and hard, so far: thanks a lot for that However, I had some anxiety over how extremely good the market has been doing the last week. I cannot disregard how much I learned working that job and applied a lot of the knowledge I had gained in school to real world stuff! But I view them as a lifestyle choice, not an investment choice. That said, please feel free to ping me when you have something you think would be of particular interest. I logged into my accounts and looked at the expense ratios; not terrible, but I know I could do better myself. JL Collins has been an investor since 1975. From my understanding they help with the upside in the market but you will not have the risk. Carmen. Because if you're putting money in on a regular basis, as my daughter is, as an example, then when the market plunges, well, that's good for her, because she's getting more shares for those same dollars. However, I do not anticipate having much of an income now that I am returning to school (apart from summer/winter breaks.). I thank you for this greatly. Hello from Canada Mr Collins, Thanks! I think if you change that and said 4% guideline, then you're good, because 4% is not a hard and fast rule. But it is only 6% of your portfolio, so no harm in holding it if you like. I am thinking to invest in index or etf funds and I am pretty sure you have more than a couple of articles about that. If things work out as I plan, Ill be working about 30% of the time now. Good luck, and if you figure it out please report back. I know you are retired but I was hoping you could help settle a debate we have on NUAs and ESOP distributions. Im a huge fan now. Thoughts on which to choose? Read this book if you want to get your personal finances in order. . Since Im thinking to publish/submit to a contest/do something that will put it for public ridicule/scrutiny the story he appears, I thought it best to ask for your permission. So, investing was an avocation rather than a vocation for me. Target Date). This allows me to not do the rollover conversation and pay tax, plus to make a bigger impact with my pool of money. JL Collins wrote his book The Simple Path to Wealth for his daughter (it started off as a series of letters to his daughter about money and investing) and then it turned into a blog in 2011 and then it turned into this book that was published in 2016. Like you, I wish Id had my book then. You first have to make some basic lifestyle decisions. Hey Jim! But maybe that answered it. A percent of your net worth, the minimum starting at 70%. One is PPLI (Private Placement Life Insurance). I wonder if working in the ad game causes some sort of DNA alteration that induces automobile masochism. My take can be found in the third part of this post from last year: We are a Taiwan publisher, and would like to inquire on the status of the book: The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life Paperback June 18, 2016 by J L Collins My names Eliza, Im a co founder @ Learnt. Thanks for the kind words and for linking to my Stock Series in that post. That said, shes reading your book today, and were going to implement the primary concepts of your book. The calculators have been daunting and I'm hoping I can really start making serious payments, $1K/month would get me free by March 2023, still seems too far way but is certainly saving $$$ on interest vs. the minimum payments. Hey JL. Your guesting in ChooseFI is one of the most enlightening talks in investing. Probably looking to sell our new van in near future and re invest in(another van + Alabama real estate? First and foremost, Vanguard is owned by the investors in Vanguard funds. March 13, 2020 was a good time to be buying Vtsax as it was around $60. And having a clear path has lifted this massive weight from my shoulders. Id only add that, for those whose employment provides for a short career, preparing for that carriers end is essential. Collins: I think there's been a lot of hand-wringing about the 4% rule of late in the last few years, and it kind of reminds me of a few hundred years ago, theologians evidently were debating about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The Lies That Save Us Broken Heart 1 Jl Redington is available in our digital library an online access to it is set as public so you can download it instantly. Dear Mr Collins, Am I too late in the game to do this? Ive also started my own side hustle thats a personal finance workshop. However, I just dont have to the time to become as involved in your site as you suggest. . Firstly, I loveddd your book the simple path to wealth. Having just finished college it gave me great insight into how to handle money., Haha yeah, you almost had me fooled with the April Fools post! Would you be interested in coming on board as an affiliate partner? Paul. Download. Optimal Finance Daily is the podcast where youd be narrated the most frequently. ls improving . So, it was just critically important to me that somehow I convey this information to her. Id kiss you on the lips, but our wives would probably be PISSED! And I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me an endless optimism for the future. I spent the last year off from school and consistently invested a large portion (60-90%) of my income. Thank you so much. I have changed my 401k contributions to VTSAX and I plan to continue ignoring it while maintaining steady contributions for the long haul. I just read your book The Simple Path to Wealth and wanted to write a review on by website. You're going to furnish it and most people when they buy a house are buying bigger space than what they were renting. Jack Bogles books are a nice fit with mine. Calculations with pencil and paper, a lot of muttering and scribbling, finally the realization, yes, this is possible, we can do this today! Such opinions are subject to change. On the hunt for my next Finance book, I was recommended Your Money Ratios. Stocks -- Part VIII-b: Should you avoid your company's 401k? You may have said this in the book, but I may have misunderstood it, my apology. Collins: That, Jeff, is a question that pertains to us, personally. Due to the so called hedonistic method of calculating the inflation rate, the inflation rate does not reflect the improvement in quality of goods or the discovery of completely new products, which represent to some (probably not to small) part the growing standard of living of a society. "In the dark, bewildering, trap-infested jungle of misinformation and opaque riddles that is the world of investment, JL Collins is the fatherly wizard on the side of the path, offering a simple map, warm words of encouragement and the tools to forge your way through with confidence. Glad you like the book and are passing it on to your kids. So if you want to follow my advice on that, VTI is your fund. And from that point of view, for somebody who lacks discipline or doesn't even think about it, like my parents, owning a house long term can wind up being a valuable asset. Thanks for writing. However, actively managed mutual funds have outperformed Index for the past many years here. Lo can't save you. You are obviously smart enough to mechanically do it. Please email me if youre interested in hearing about it. Is there a way to buy this book in bulk? We are also saving for his college vanguard age based aggressive portfolio(Yearly $5000) from last year. Sometimes you can make money buying, sometimes not. Can you just talk about how it is you concluded that the right path to try to lead people toward is this more minimalist indexing-centric approach that you ultimately embraced? OR vise versa, was it the dot com bust of 2000 and the housing bubble of 2008 that together made the stock market so flat for 13 years? They just feel like unique experiences looking back. Would love to discuss any opportunity to collaborate. under your original comment here:, youre gonna have to start reading this blog a lot closer, my friend. While Im no expert in investment options for those outside the USA, people have found value in my stock series no matter where they live. I recently started reading your website. When I got that job I felt a sense of panic thinking that I had missed out on 4 years of a raging bull market that would never repeat itself. Invest in bonds when older for less risk JL Collins retired at a more "normal" age than Mr. Money Mustache and started his blog as a way to pass on his financial/life knowledge on to his daughter. LUCRETIA. So, I'd be just selecting one or two. So, far in a way number one. . At the very beginning of our conversation, I mentioned that I found my way wandering in the wilderness basically. I even taught a career development course on how to interview, write a resume and dress for work. I almost didnt make it and am very happy I did. 1) Could a Dow Jones index, as opposed to S&P 500, be used to avoid investing in tobacco and alcohol companies? Marketing Thanks for your reply, and happy to know you read my site. How can I find more than the last 22 years worth of data? I have dialogue between Erik and Moe, but Im a bit terrified of posting it public. But if it goes that far, that you cannot afford the goods which constitute a modest normal life, there might be a problem anyway. i love your blog. All best wishes. Thank you for putting your Stock Series online and in blog form. "In the dark, bewildering, trap-infested jungle of misinformation and opaque riddles that is the world of investment, JL Collins is the fatherly wizard on the side of the path, offering a simple map, warm words of encouragement and the tools to forge your way through with confidence. And I may have forgotten one or two. The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins is designed as a one-stop roadmap to financial freedom. I have seem many wholesalers from fund or annuity sponsors tout their latest flavor of the day and fail miserably the following year later . We now live on beautiful Sunshine Coast, Australia after living and working for 17 years in Sydney. Since I used to be a Microsoft employee, I still have all my stock with them. I am very impressed by your blog and especially your willingness to extend yourself to learners and correspondents via the comments section. I was looking at VSTAX on the vanguard site, and see that it shows a minimum investment of $10,000. I recently bought $30,000 worth of VTSAX using some funds I had in my savings account. Rent v. owning: A couple of case studies in Ecuador. Mr Why925 from whyninetofive. This was the first civilized meal, but more important the conversation about how to handle their savings and investing. And if you're an investment professional, there's less opportunity to get a bigger part of the clients' money out of them. Corpl. Today in honor of love we opened a brokerage account at Vanguard. I have nobody in my life whos ever been in a position to teach me. And you say, I don't want to take the risk of putting this $120,000 in all at once because tomorrow might be the day the market crashes 40%. My thinking about it is this. Then MF and MMM. I am currently working as a software engineer, but I am always fascinated by investing research stuff. A bunch of authors have given me permission: Mr. Money Mustache, Paula Pant, The Mad Fientist, J. Benz: Our guest on the podcast today is author and blogger JL Collins. JL's latest book is How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before it Was Fashionable. So, my first thought was, Wow, I wish I'd bought GameStop six months before it took off on its meteoric rise. But, of course, I wouldn't have because I'm not a stock-picker anymore. And I think that's another stock that's been beaten down recently, and I imagine probably has some potential. To me this looks like both asset classes lost large, and I fail to see the protection that fixed assets are meant to provide. I hope I have been able to do justice to your work, in some small measure. Please, give me a respond if you are interested in it. When I discovered your talk at Google on YouTube, I really enjoyed what I heard and decided to purchase your book. They are justifiably famous. The Simple Path To Wealth By Jl Collins.pdf. You might also post both here: Much appreciated! That's what allows you to benefit from the volatility of the market. That is handled through Amazon or your local bookstore. Its kinda buried. Rama. Collins: I used to own investment real estate when I was a younger man. So, anyway, there are always times when houses can be made to look like the best thing that you've ever done. im very new to all this and definitely not a financial genius by any means just trying to get my act together. Five percent, 6%, even 7% withdrawal rates were successful on many of those occasions. Hey there Jim, Im planning to move to NH for the favorable state tax features, a quieter life, and the cooler climate. This feels scary, because it is bound to go down, and it leaves me wondering whether I should sell now. But what about for people who are closer to drawdown or financial independence--whatever you want to call it--who do come into a large sum of money? Sailboat and disappear to South Pacific? I put it all in VTSAX. I know, sounds too good to be true, which makes me wonder what the catch is? To go into the Presidency at twenty-five thousand dollars a year is, perhaps, to gain more fame; but what is to become of him at the end of his Presidency? My second book, How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before it was Fashionable, released in November 2021. Hey, gimme a break. It takes virtually none of your time. JL Collins, and Ramit Sethi. If we sell up, we could quit the grind and design our own lives, tomorrow. in any case, im looking foward to saving my first 10,000 so i can invest it in VTSAX. This is in short supply in todays world, even more so in the online world. If you have a comment or a guest idea, please email us at Great website, great ideas, crystallized all the vague ideas floating around in my mind, brilliant, great, fabulous, yes! But that was over in a month or six weeks or something. I'm hoping to double those payments if possible. I am diving deep and I am learning so much. But he asked about risk tolerance and time horizons and all those good things they ask about, and he put me in the Southern Company, which was a utility serving the states in the South, and in Texaco, which, of course, was an oil company that I think has since been absorbed. Would renting a 1BR/2BR be more frugal vs buying when all is said and done? So, I think 4% is a pretty reasonable and fairly conservative number. As I think I alluded to earlier, I used to be a stock-picker, and I, in fact, achieved financial independence doing that. Should we now pull it all out of American Funds and put it into VTSAX? Stocks -- Part XVI: Index Funds are really just for lazy people, right? And how did you find your way to the minimalist investing path that you embrace today? I may be able to work when done for a federal program to repay that loan too. Jeff Ptak is an employee of Morningstar Research Services LLC. craig. So during this 10 year period, I know that at least a part of my portfolio will be positive no matter what my investments in the stock market are doing (ie a good hedge). So, I'm going to break it up into $10,000 chunks and I'm going to invest it over the next year. Well, if the market goes up, the second month you invest you're getting fewer shares for your $10,000 and the third fewer and fewer. Hi Jim, a bit off topic but do you know where Mike from went? Reply. Im Vincent Lin from Big Apple Agency. This is an interesting question. If yes.. feel free to reach us. She sees how excited I get, and loves that I am really planning for the first time in my life. So the index funds began to outperform almost immediately. Back in the midwest now. Christine Benz: Hi, and welcome to The Long View. Much appreciated. ): The intrinsic value of the bond may change. Many thanks! Id like to take a further discussion with them. I have been intently trying to get my financial act together over the past few months so that at some time in the near future I dont have to worry if I want to take a vacation. The Good for Your Wealth Top 5 List of Books for Financial Independence. An associate of mine said, This is pretty interesting stuff. I shared it with him. What were your thoughts when you were watching that unfold? For the FIRE movement, there's a lot of pushback, and people say, That's only for people making a big salary and were born to privilege. And when you read Kristy's story of growing up in China under the communists, and she's now a millionaire, it's not just for people born of privilege. Hi JL, just read and loved your book and stock series. Considering a venture capital fund as less than 1/10th of my after tax portfolio. As to whether people can learn--one of the things that I wrestle with in my own advice. Your insights are invaluable and Ive proudly shared the link with colleagues. Podcast? Obviously, it proved pivotal to the success that you've had. Or any books you recommend. Thanks for your interest, Katharina. It, in retrospect, was just much more effort, and it wasn't working as well as indexing would have worked for me. I guess not. The idea that the U.S will default on its debt. 4: my goal is not necessarily to retire early as i enjoy what i do and want to do it for very long time, but i do want financial freedom. Hope your daughters enjoy and benefit from the book. This year it was effortless to decide what to buy for Christmas gift. Benz: What was your career path prior to you becoming a financial blogger? D. C. are visiting their sister, Miss George Cralle. He said a coworker of his would like a recommendation for some books on personal finance. But as you go out three years, that percentage drops, and by the time you go out 30 years, there's less than 1%, which is statistically zero. I am concerned about the incurred capital gains. You are doing good in the world. His name is Moses Canes (for now), and hes an early retiree in his Late fifties. $6360 is a lot, especially since with our high-deductabel plan well be paying it all out of pocket. ETRADE doesnt trade VTSAX, VFWAX or VTIAX. Empty nester; either rent or live in a paid off (15 year mortgage) house from stage 2. JL blogs about financial and other matters at It was not your intention, but your idea created a monster for me. He has a nice 401k and a very small IRA in my name. Have a wonderful nice and safe Trip!!!! That is not bad. Thanks for showering us with a simple and unique way of investing. Is it really still as simple today to say, the market will always go up? You are, of course, correct. daughter of a former pastor of this place. Eight years from the 4th of March, 1869, he will be about fifty-six years old. It was revealing that Grant, still haunted by his prewar fear of poverty, analyzed the presidency through the lens of financial security. The historical rule of thumb suggests a portfolio mix of 60/40 percent stocks and bonds by asset allocation offers the best route for appreciation while still allowing room for protection during a downturn. Again, thank you so much for all the information you provide, Please feel free to post your questions here: Check out the interview schedule/archive thread: I recently came across your blog, and am really enjoying my time reading it. JL, what is your take on this? Closing up shop plus an opening at Chautauqua, my new podcast, phone, book and other random cool stuff. So, at what point do you suggest that people should add bonds to their portfolio? Hi Mr. Collins. And kudos to him for being open to it. I am grateful to you. Like you said in your book I should've been eating the rice with ketchup instead of the sushi dinners but it seemed so normal to go out for every meal! I think I have the explanation! Glad you found your way here. Any idea why you chose to list Kashmir separately? Download The Simple Path to Wealth PDF book free by J.L. . Consignment Shops: Best business model ever? Sure will update when I know sir. As I approach fi, I am really enjoying and inspired by your posts. Thanks so much for providing your wealth of knowledge to all of us! So, my main thought was watching this is theres going to be a lot of tears for a lot of people. I think in the end it was a cheaper route to go but I definitely did not need to tack on the extra $10K in loans, I could've worked, I shoulda woulda coulda. You may read my thoughts about it Collins: Well, Jeff, I refer to that as having the disease. Chautauqua 2014 preview, closing up for travel and other random cool things that caught my eye of late. From busboy, produce, clerk, and gas station attendant, to ad agency founder, sales trainer, radio co-host, and publisher. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Privacy Policy Disclaimers. Its in Swedish, but Google Translate is our dear friend . I too worked in the publishing/advertising game, now in real estate. I work in the investment industry and love the investing world, too. . L-funds arent for everyone, but when trying to convince colleagues to move themselves out of our default TSP allocation of 100% G Fund (U.S. Treasury securities), they sure are a great starting place. I am thinking of using that money for my partner and I to live on for the two years the program is going on. I immediately called Vanguard (told them the best marketing plan they could ever have was to buy 5000 of your book and distribute to seniors in college) I opened an IRA and started transferring all my 401Ks that were sitting inactive in bonds. I am working on my emergency fund, I have about $10k in cash now in an HYSA. I feel like I dont have time to be conservative. I have really enjoyed reading through your website. On most of the money that we put into American Funds, we paid the princely sales charges. There is also talk on the blog and the book about pros and cons (mainly pros) of ignoring DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging). VTI is the ETF version of VTSAX, the fund I recommend. I guess its better than stock picking, but does this enough of a diversification? Just about to crack your book open and cant wait not so much the best to last actually that is exactly my thinking , Merry Xmas to you, your family and your readers. "Stocks--Part XV: Target Retirement Funds, the Simplest Path to Wealth of All," by JL Collins,, Dec. 18, 2012. Ive passed your contact info on to my agent. If I'd been doing it and getting a negative result that in some fashion might have even been better, because I would have been more willing to look at alternatives and more quick to change. And the emotional/financial forces drive you to buying too much house. I will forward your contact info to my agent. It seems to me this person is probably just uploading audio books without respecting copyright claims. Her looks, her brains, her charm (she takes after her mother) and her behavior. . Great concept. In the wealth building phase should dividends be reinvested? And it would be a valuable (to the rest of us, not to you) resource. When you inherit a some of money like $100,000, how should one invest it? Thats the least I can do. Just let me know. Just wanted to let you know, I included The Simple Path to Wealth in my newsletter last week as one of my favorite finds of 2020:, I know what youre thinking, a book about investing? So if everyone else in the fund panics due to a recession, and demands their money back, the fund has no choice but to sell some of these fixed assets at a reduced price to allow their clients to redeem their funds. So he started Im just starting out in investing (other than maxing out my 401k every year for 7 years since I finished grad school). Hanover co'unty. BTW, my wifes cousin is a professor of economics at Cornell. Morningstar does not guarantee the accuracy, or the completeness of the data presented herein. Ive always enjoyed reading your blog and and I appreciate what you do. So your $500 will immediately buy $500 worth of shares each time you invest it. Are the Simplified Chinese translation rights still available? But anyway, so I've experienced both. We went into chapter 13 with 90 grand of debt. Bills book was a lovely and simple read and well worth it. Hi Jim, Indeed. That is for you to decide, once you have learned enough to make an informed decision. On rent vs buy, I would divide up life into three phases: If you are single or just married/no kids, rent. The good news is, in this day and age, there is so much great information out there about how to approach the market correctly and successfully. And that, is pure nonsense! Hope you can help. I think it would be difficult to find a pure play in any mutual fund. And I know that people make the case, well, I can get a property manager and what have you. While I know nothing about investing options in other countries, the principles are the same: Keep it simple, broad based and low cost. Are there any columnists, authors, thinkers who you especially appreciate? About it Collins: I used to be buying VTSAX as it Fashionable! 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