Any findings should only be released publicly after they have been determined. Recently, theres been a lot of publicity surrounding high-profile cases of individuals falsely claiming Indigenous American ancestry while working in entertainment and other industries. Despite being enrolled in a, Accusations of anti-Black bias in the creation of the list have also been brought up. [43], Academics Kim TallBear (Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate), Dina Gilio-Whitaker (Colville), Robert Jago (Kwantlen First Nation), Rowland Robinson (Menominee), as well as journalist Jacqueline Keeler (Navajo Nation) and attorney Jean Teillet (great-grandniece of Louis Riel) also name white supremacy, in addition to ongoing settler colonialism, as core factors in the phenomenon. To be clear: We were letting readers know what those terms mean in service of a greater discourse of this topic. Reactions to the list among Natives online range from the passive agreement that Indian Country needs a vetting process to outright protest over the ethics of adding names to a public list without verification. Our rationale was that Fox News, owned by the same people that run the Post, has manipulated pictures of people it has wanted to portray unflatteringly in the past, so this certainly could have been the case here. While Jon Levine, the reporter of the Post piece, emailed back to say he grabbed the picture in question from Keelers Instagram, and. All of those scholars are documented as having previous, and current working relationships with one or more of these Abenaki groups for years previous! Sometimes family stories with no truth behind them run amuck. The -so-called Scholars (that reviewed these 4 groups applications) were all approved by the staked Vermont Commission on Indian Affairs (VCNAA) that was staked with the groups members and or their allies. I have met her in real life it seems like she has some trauma and baggage of her own to sort out. Saturdays article in The Chronicle spurred backlash from many Native American people. She attached links to, with some names, which indicates at least some of this research is being conducted via, searches. We will release the names and findings of all those who are found to have no relation to the American Indian tribe they claim in the United States.. Keelers list is controversial within native communities as well. Self-identification, or even DNA tests, for instance, obscure the fact that American Indians have not only a cultural relationship to a specific tribe and the United States but a legal one. At the same time, in the years following the Occupation of Alcatraz, the formation of Native American studies as a distinct form of area studies, and the awarding of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction to Kiowa author N. Scott Momaday, publishing programs and university departments began to be established specifically for or about Native American culture. Any findings should only be released publicly after they have been determined. A pretendian (portmanteau of pretend and Indian[1][2][3]) is a person who has falsely claimed Indigenous identity by claiming to be a citizen of a Native American or Indigenous Canadian tribal nation, or to be descended from Native ancestors. Keelers methodology and ethics around investigating peoples Indigenous identity is extremely flawed and her credibility is out the window. The sisters also assert that Littlefeather's stories about their violent and impoverished upbringing were also patently false. in an attempt to undermine people it disagrees with). I beg to differ. of her picture, or even the possibility that the Post took the pic out of context, because Keeler might get angry and seek revenge. jacqueline keeler is a known racist and xenophobe (just google "Opinion: The Real Problem With Jacqueline Keeler's 'Alleged Pretendian' List" there's an article that links an entire google doc of the racist shit she's done over the years and . Joseph M. Pierce, an associate professor of Latin American and Indigenous Studies at Stony Brook University, said he wouldnt be surprised if Keelers claims were true. As a cultural and political identity . The list has a lot of already published material linked in it. Its worse to shut down someone trying to reconnect with their ancestral roots than to let a pretendian slip by. EXAMPLE: Vermont and New Hampshires alleged and reinvented Abenakis. A pretendian is a person who has falsely claimed Indigenous identity by claiming to be a citizen of a Native American or Indigenous Canadian tribal nation, or to be descended from Native ancestors. Now I've known about Marie Cruz (stage name Sacheen Littlefeather) and her false claims to Apache/Yaqui ancestry for a while now, thanks to Jacqueline Keeler's Pretendian list.But it's only in the last couple of days that it's become wider knowledge, thanks to an article Keeler penned for the San Francisco Chronicle.. Its a perverse kind of reverse assimilation.[47]. they have been determined. The issue of Pretendians made headlines last month when Canadas top indigenous health expert, Carrie Bourassa, was ousted after her claims of membership in the Mtis nation were debunked. We become a spectacle for those who at best think of us as a Halloween costume idea. Sometimes people exploit this by claiming Native ancestry. It is up to people, like Jacqueline Keeler and Tywla Barnes and others, like Darryl Leroux, and myself to try and alert the public, as to the fraud committed by both State and Federal agency and politicians, who give platform-space-and benefit to these race shifters claiming an identity as Indians/Abenakis/Cherokees, etc. [36][35][44][45][46][47] In Settler Colonialism + Native Ghosts - "Community, Pretendians, & Heartbreak", Robinson posits that, Quite often this seems to be a cynical ploy towards some kind of anti-Indigenous political programme, as Darryl Leroux and others have demonstrated quite convincingly and handily regarding the explosion of groups in eastern Ontario, Qubec, the Maritimes and parts of New England (2019) where quite often the absolutely astronomical growth in new claimants of Indigeneity can be clearly traced back to white supremacist, anti-Native, political projects in opposition to Aboriginal and Treaty rights. "Report on Conclusion of Preliminary Review in the Matter of Professor Ward Churchill". This is a contentious document that questions peoples identity by insinuating ethnic fraud is being carried out. "[4], In October 2021, the CBC published an investigation into the status of Canadian academic Carrie Bourassa, who works as an Indigenous health expert and has claimed Mtis, Anishinaabe and Tlingit status. Keeler also added former Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell to the list, despite his enrollment in the Northern Cheyenne nation with a note attached, No Cheyenne ancestry. [38] Bourassa was placed on immediate leave from her post at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research after her claims of Indigenous ancestry were found to be baseless.[39]. ", Slippery Characters: Ethnic Impersonators and American Identities. The idea here was that I watch from my apartment in Toledo and wait for the night sky to tell me to travel to defen Indian land from the Alberta pipelines. Are there pretendians out there, sure. At the same time, hippie and New Age subcultures marketed Native cultures as accessible, spiritual, and as a form of resistance to mainstream culture, leading to the rise of the plastic shaman or "culture vulture." A list of pretendians. I know some of these people who react negatively to . Among famous names like Johnny Depp and, Theres not a clear process on how this research is being conducted or how individuals are singled out for suspicion. What the heck? Keeler replied on Twitter, referencing the Indigenous Wire piece. May 14, 2021 / May 19, 2021 by Angelina Newsom | 12 Comments on Opinion: The Real Problem With Jacqueline Keelers Alleged Pretendian List. We suspect that might change soon. Keeler seems to be going on the latter much of the time and is not humble enough admit an error when she comes to an erroneous conclusion, that is later refuted by hard evidence. - A list of pretendians. Indigenous impersonation is not an accident. Screenshots and links. Problem was, none of their narratives of connection to the Abenakis was objectively validated by any documentation whatsoever. This applies to accessing that Alleged Pretendian List AND the 'Keeler crime timeline' by @KaylaWayla20; both require a level of access to your information and/or email. Let me explain WHY I have an issue with this articles statement. My father was who he was. Copyright 2023 Pow Wows, Inc. All rights reserved, on Opinion: The Real Problem With Jacqueline Keelers Alleged Pretendian List, Unless a person shares their background and history, appearance isnt going to give anything away. Embattled now by the Miamis who share the reserve land in OK. One thing less important than the main part here was that tribes might lose the power in law to distinguish themselves in kindness in continuing to bring kindred into the circle. (Keeler is referring here, we think, to the fact that we define the already-established terms Karendian and Kendian within our piece with which she takes umbrage, but we assure you, no misogyny on our behalf was intended. Early false claims to Indigenous identity, often called "playing Indian", go back at least as far as the Boston Tea Party. Her sisters say she was an ethnic fraud", "Sacheen Littlefeather's Sisters Say Claim of American Indian Heritage Was A Fraud", "Criminalizing 'Pretendians' is not the answer; we need to give First Nations control over grants", "There is nothing innocent about the false presumption of Indigenous identity", Teillet Report on Indigenous Identity Fraud. The crux of the article is as follows: Cruz' sisters deny that . (DISCLAIMER: this all relates to us not the whyte supremist racists out there) Meanwhile in Indian country From keeler's pretendian list, Kim tallbear alleged support of list, Sephora, sarian fox, to dynami thomas, myself (but on a smaller scale), all being held accountable for various reasons. She was confronted about it and denied it on Twitter (as seen on comprehensive document above about her actions). Writer Jacqueline Keeler, whose own controversial history includes publishing a list of people she named "Pretendians" in 2021, said she interviewed Littlefeather's younger sisters, who claimed that Littlefeather lied about her ancestry to advance her career. [35], There are several possible explanations for why people adopt pretendian identities. [32] Working with other Natives in tribal enrollment departments, genealogists and historians, they began following up on the names many had been hearing for years in tribal circles were not actually Native, asking about current community connections as well as researching family histories "as far back as the 1600s" to see if they had any ancestors who were Native or had ever lived in a tribal community. Just because Nighthorse Campbell got enrollment in the Northern Cheyenne nation doesnt mean hes not a Pretendian. It goes into detail with each entry and us cotinually being updated. There are some questions to both her own and her husband's Native ancestry / enrollment as both of their stories shift over time. DNA tests are setting up other problems involving those who discover Native DNA [sic] in their bloodline. Hence, she believes that some on the list are hiding behind the Black Lives Matter movement by strategically labeling her list racist and pointing to times she has allegedly tweeted the N-word and has allegedly supported doing blackface.). [31], In January 2021, Navajo journalist Jacqueline Keeler began investigating the problem of settler self-indigenization in academia. Littlefeather died on 2 October following a breast cancer diagnosis. Creating an alleged pretendian list of possible offenders with incomplete research, possible bias and implication of actual Natives alongside alleged pretensions isnt safe for Indian Country nor should it be the standard. Researchers found her people actually originated from Eastern Europe and Russia. ", "Why Your DNA Results Didn't Show Your Native American Ancestry", "Native Americans fear potential exploitation of their DNA", "DNA tests stand on shaky ground to define Native American identity", "How 'pretendians' undermine the rights of Indigenous people - We must guard against harmful public discourse about Native identity as much as we guard against harmful policy", "Across North America, academics have allegedly manufactured indigenous identity for personal, professional and financial gain", "The Curious Case of Gina Adams: A "Pretendian" investigation - She was hired by Emily Carr University in an effort to recruit Indigenous faculty. [The piece] tries to make black and white things that actually have nuance.. records were people who ALREADY incarcerated in institutions previous to the Eugenics Survey, as the Childrens Aid Society had been documenting child of impoverished homes, truancy cases, and abusive homes across both states, and Harriet E. Abbott, came from that organization (as did others) and later became agents of the Eugenics Movement. Pretendian: In case you need more proof than Sacheen Littlefeather's listing on Keeler's fictitious Pretendian list that Keeler was attempting to scam Littlefeather. Early life. Most Americans do not know the reality of US and State government-funded white scalp hunters, and what it meant to people who lost nine out of 10 relatives AND their land in the 1800s (and continuing through most of the 1900s). The above video has the audio enhanced and subtitled. As for Jacqueline Keeler, I haven't interacted with her in real life as you have, but in this case she reacted the way a number of people over many years have said she has to other situations in the past. A parody website lists her and like-minded natives as Karendians.. No public retraction or apology was made for this huge oversight. Written by author Jacqueline Keeler, whose running "Alleged Pretendians" list documents cases of Native American ethnic fraud, the article cites two of Littlefeather's sisters who say that their sibling lied about her heritage. Rather than trying to heal the wound.. Get quality preowned and refurbished ophthalmic equipment Save thousands over new equipment when you can get the same quality and . While Indigenous communities have always self-policed and spread word of frauds, mainstream media and arts communities were often unaware, or did not act upon this information, until more recent decades. Keeler had blocked us, and she deleted her three Twitter responses that we noted above. And my dad was born in Oxnard.. [19], By 1990, as noted in The New York Times Magazine, many years of "significant pushback by Native Americans against so-called Pretendians or Pretend Indians" resulted in the successful passage of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 (IACA) - a truth-in-advertising law which prohibits misrepresentation in marketing of American Indian or Alaska Native arts and crafts products within the United States. Keelers rationale is that these are public-facing people. Most of the people mentioned in the V.E.S. Keeler said she was inspired to create the document this year in response to a New York Times op-ed by Claudia Lawrence a freelance journalist who has since been accused of being a Pretendian. It is profitable to BECOME an Indian nowadays, and a laminated membership card by dubious groups such as the St. Francis-Sokoki group up in Swanton, or a Nulhegan membership card suffices today as proof of Abenaki descent. Its simply another expression of white privilege., (Keeler is referring here, we think, in a roundabout way to people with a combination of Black and Native ancestry/heritage who have felt attacked by her list of alleged ethnic fraudsters. Keeler, who has been accused of conducting "witch hunts" to expose fake Native Americans, told The Post she met Wurth a few years ago when the novelist publicly accused Native American writer . And I have witnessed tribes, simply NOT leading the investigations into fraudulent claims of native identity. Fair warning, I know Jackie Keeler and she stood with us at a protest at the BIA. Our rationale was that Fox News, owned by the same people that run the Post, has. ", "Genetic Markers Not a Valid Test of Native Identity", "Elizabeth Warren's claim to Cherokee ancestry is a form of violence - Be it by the barrel of a carbine or a mail-order DNA test, the American spirit demands the disappearance of Indigenous people", "Can DNA Determine Who is American Native American? Theres no question about that but to accuse people of fraud with little resaerch and research that has been proven false is damaging to the actual activism she has provided. At the same time, hippie and New Age cultures marketed Native cultures as accessible, spiritual, and as a form of resistance to mainstream culture, leading to the rise of the plastic shaman or "culture vulture." in November 2021, writing for the Toronto Star about the Bourassa situation as well as the actions of Joseph Boyden and Michelle Latimer, K.J. I have been personally victimized by pretendian, Linda Bishop, who married my uncle in 2013 and became Linda Black Elk. Please. Believe it or not, some non-Indian folks, not steeped in this stuff, dont know what a Pretendian, a Defendian, a Karendian and/or a Kendian are. We were written off, no more dialogue to be had, and our thoughts on the Posts coverage were apparently just plain stupid, not worthy of a response (no matter that we repeat, again, that Fox News has been caught doing this very thing in the past in an attempt to undermine people it disagrees with). Stolen identities undermine us to the point where we end up fodder for the tabloids the likes of Daily Mail. At the same time, we were defining the long-established Karendian and Kendian terms not supporting misogyny and, again, we do believe this issue is of utmost importance, as we said in the original post. To protect the rights of Indigenous people, pretendians like Wages and Warren must be challenged and the retelling of their false narratives must be stopped. In popular culture, this style of "outing" is historically most associated with revealing those suspected of being closeted gays and lesbians. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pow Wows are one of the best ways to connect with your ancestral heritage and celebrate Native American culture. Peaceful sleep and the joke of roads to laugh at in the morning i wish for you. in service of a greater discourse of this topic. Sacheen Littlefeather on stage at AMPAS Presents An Evening with Sacheen Littlefeather at Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on Sept. 17, 2022, in Los Angeles, California. Hence, she believes that some on the list are hiding behind the Black Lives Matter movement by strategically labeling her list racist and pointing to times, We attempted to respond to Keeler with a calm, rational tweet, assuring her we werent attacking her; rather, we were investigating the Posts coverage. Problem was, no one was a deep-dive-oriented genealogist, nor did anyone look into the groups genealogies objectively, until 2002, when Eve Jacobs-Carnahan began to do that research. The divisiveness serves to disconnect more indigenous people's voices, because we're so focused on banishing the fakes that we overlook the issues of poverty, trauma and abuse that are as real as you and me. Theres never a situation where blackface is acceptable, especially not in Native organizing. It can really feel like a damned if you do damned if you dont situation if you dont say youre Native are you a pretendiwhite? It takes a person with enough knowledge of the gaps in the system to exploit them. Were on the list that apparently matters. Among famous names like Johnny Depp and Elizabeth Warren are seemingly random people. What these claims have in common is that they are entirely disconnected from any living Indigenous people. Exercise caution. Happy Friday, Wiredians (see what we did there?). Niezwyka biografia Sat-Okha, czyli jak si zostaje legend, "Gang Memoir, Turning Page, Is Pure Fiction", "An Ancient Bracelet, a Personal Haunting and an Overdue Reckoning", "Cher Refuses To Apologize For 'Half-Breed' After Twitter War Fuelled By Trump's Diversity Coalition Appointee", "Kaya Jones: The 'Apache' Native American Ambassador For Trump", "Monday, January 8, 2018 Native American ambassadorKaya Jones? Sacheen Littlefeather (Native American actress Maria Cruz) holds a written statement from actor Marlon Brando refusing his Best Actor Oscar on stage at the Academy Awards on March 27, 1973 in Los. Adopt and donot adopt. I'll just hold off my judgment till more comes out. Then questions arose about her identity", "Sacheen Littlefeather and ethnic fraud why the truth is crucial, even if it means losing an American Indian hero", "Playing Indian Constitutes a Structural Form of Colonial Theft, and It Must be Tackled", "Mysterious letter linking 1,000 people to $1B Algonquin treaty likely fake, CBC investigation finds Author of conspiracy theory books says letter was dropped in his mailbox in 2011", "Health scientist Carrie Bourassa on immediate leave after scrutiny of her claim she's Indigenous", "Sacheen Littlefeather was a Native American icon. Making their data available opens them up to possible harassment or worse. It is also another colonial act. Your place here is more secure than that. The Google doc can be viewed by requesting access with an email address. But we didnt listen. Unclear how he got enrolled. Keeler doesnt mention if she reached out to Northern Cheyenne tribal officials. For a first-time violation of the Act, an individual can face civil or criminal penalties up to a $250,000 fine or a five-year prison term, or both. Contrary to Littlefeather's half-century long claims, she has no White Mountain Apache or Yaqui heritage . The Vermont Eugenics Records NEVER once mentioned in the 40+ boxes of materials the word Abenaki for any of his or any other family (including my ancestors, the Wood(w)ards, nor their lateral line relatives, the Ways, Sweetsers, etc. It's not a . Imposters in the academy gain six-figure jobs, prestige, grants and tenure in exchange for a few lies. What you are doing to Keeler is no different than the abuse you allege she is inflicting. Jacqueline Keeler is compiling a long list of Pretendians that attempt to speak on behalf of Native people, take up space intended for Native people, or worse, prizes, scholarships, and awards. Historian Philip J. Deloria has noted that European Americans "playing Indian" is a phenomenon that stretches back at least as far as the Boston Tea Party. By. Hardly. If a business violates the Act, it can face civil penalties or can be prosecuted and fined up to $1,000,000.[20]. Linda turned my family against me. Communing with the Dead: The 'New Mtis,' Mtis Identity Appropriation, and the Displacement of Living Mtis Culture. Their silence has not meant complicity. Nadema Agard, a New York City visual artist who claims Lakota, Cherokee, and Powhatan ancestry, is . I take issue with While faking Indigenous American identity for positions of prestige is a problem, sovereign tribes and nations should be leading investigations into citizenship claims. In an apparent response to these incidents, Navajo and Yankton Dakota writer Jacqueline Keeler recently created an alleged pretendian lista spreadsheet of people she thinks are pretending to be Indian. ", "Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says she has Cherokee roots, but the records don't back that up", "Warren suggests 'American Indian' might appear on other documents", "Cherokee Nation responds to Senator Warren's DNA test", "Report: Elizabeth Warren Identified as American Indian in Texas Bar Registration", "Elizabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself Native American", "Elizabeth Warren apologizes for identifying as Native American on Texas bar registration card", "Birth certificate contradicts Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond's account of her father's parentage and ancestry", "Should museums verify claims of Indigenous ancestry? [2] The IACA makes it illegal for non-Natives to offer or display for sale, or sell, any art or craft product in a manner that falsely suggests it is Indian produced, an Indian product, or the product of a particular Indian or Indian Tribe or Indian arts and crafts organization. My grandparents didnt even speak English! A pretendian (portmanteau of pretend and Indian) is a person who has falsely claimed Indigenous identity by claiming to be a citizen of a Native American or Indigenous Canadian tribal nation, or to be descended from Native ancestors. The group in Swanton submitted their initial petition for federal recognition in 1982 (after having their internally-trained -by John Moody- but biased genealogists who claimed to be Abenakis, members of the group, do the research and an Addendum was added in 1986. The Academy apologized to Littlefeather in a letter reported in April. A list of allegedly fake Native Americans has begun circulating in tribal and academic circles, accusing 195 people of falsely claiming an Indian identity for personal gain. The list includes well-known imposters and claimants like Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Johnny Depp, but also less well-known figures in media and the arts. A controversial piece in the San Francisco Chronicle features interviews with the actress sisters, who say she wasnt part of a Native American tribe. [4] The CBC investigation used handwriting analysis, and other methods of archival and historical evaluation to conclude the letter is a fake. This is something that has been bothering me with Keeler's list. Under one name is a note attached, Unable to ascertain truth of claim due to adoption. Yet, the individual remains on the list as an alleged pretendian.. The Google doc can be viewed by requesting access with an email address. So how was she hiding from the Eugenics Survey in the 1920s and 30s, when all they had to do was walk up to her doorstep and knock, after reading the Burlington Free Press whenever her children were announced to have been born to the couple in that newspaper?! She is going to put a lot of people in jeopardy with this action; their livelihoods, their families. Cruz also tweeted she learned her true heritage from Keelers research. My pop was entirely adopted by the Bay deNoc Ojibwa. Be it said the four winds drew me near my last acceptance at a university before i gave up was to LSSU. of people it has wanted to portray unflatteringly in the past, so this certainly could have been the case here. Then questions arose about her identity. To drop that even as a social worker social justice worker is to drop out of an innocent game of badmitten in favor of fear and unnamed opposites: fear and/ control. Individual tribes and nations determine who their citizens are. Survivor of pretendian pandemic. The assumption of Indigenous identity, through the growth of the so-called Eastern Mtis movement, is clearly, at least in terms of its foundational leadership and organizational nature, antagonistic at a fundamental level towards Indigenous peoples and livelihoods.[45]. United States Poet Laureate Joy Harjo (Mvskoke) writes: We have had to contend with an onslaught of what we call 'Pretendians', that is, non-Indigenous people assuming a Native identity. Apparently her real name is Harsha Patel and she is of Asian Indian descent. A notorious and deeply unreliable 'pretendian hunter' making the claim that Sacheen Littlefeather wasn't Native is profoundly suspicious and i'm gonna need my non indigenous mutuals to generally . At the same time, we were defining the long-established Karendian and Kendian terms not supporting misogyny and, again, we. She then claims to be Indigenous and to be conducting "research" in order to escape being exposed. ", "I Knew Rachel Dolezal Back When She Was Indigenous", The Native roots of the bizarre Rachel Dolezal drama, "Race of Rachel Dolezal, head of Spokane NAACP, comes under question", "Read the NAACP's Full Statement on Rachel Dolezal", "Dartmouth Removes New Native American Head Amid Ethnicity Questions: Tribes accused Susan Taffe Reed of misrepresenting herself as American Indian", "Dartmouth criticized for Native American Studies hire", "Four Words for Andrea Smith: 'I'm Not an Indian', "Tribes Blast 'Wannabe' Native American Professor", "Rachel Dolezal Outs Andrea Smith Again; Will Anybody Listen This Time? Timothy B. Powell, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press (1999), Anthes, Bill. The past and present shows their complicity with the race shifters who claim to be Abenakis and thus the silence, and lack of objective investigation. People in jeopardy with this action ; their livelihoods, their families Jackie Keeler and is... 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This research is being carried out Twitter, referencing the Indigenous Wire piece patently false claims in!