Preventing injuries, hes found, is far more rewarding than posing for photo shoots. Our safety resources give you the knowledge and stories you need to manage human factorsand wont find anywhere else. %
En resumen, este enfoque integral ofrece un avanzado programa formativo en concienciacin sobre la seguridad, encaminado hacia la prevencin de lesiones en todo tipo de escenarios del mundo real, en el trabajo, en el hogar y en la carretera. 0000008340 00000 n
One decisive factor for its success is a matter close to Larrys heart: everyone who has taken the course also gains access to SafeStart materials specially geared for sharing with their family members. implementing SafeStart at all Epiroc locations worldwide. Cargill
R ye Epiroc, with over 40 years of experience in manufacturing and is
In other words, youre replacing the physical activators like the stop sign or red light with a psychological activator like rushing, frustration or fatigue. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This was the basis for putting the states and critical errors together to form the risk pattern that was virtually 100% of the injuries in the self-area, which I had already determined was responsible for primary causationor the triggering eventin over 95% of all injuries, on or off the job. With this 10 days in Bavaria itinerary, you'll visit the following most beautiful and towns and the top attractions in Germany. No, not really in construction, I admitted. Drafted in the seventh round in 1960, the 6-foot, 190-pound Wilson emerged as the best defensive player - and, until Larry . Se voc perguntar para as pessoas o que mais importante, riscos ou erros humanos, voc ouvir as mais diferentes perspectivas. "image": "", The front door deposits you into the European room, which . Por favor elige tu regin
What if two critical errors are made at the same time and people dont get the benefit of their reflexeshow much does that change risk? 0000017283 00000 n
Then we tested the critical error reduction techniques with several industrial clients in various industries. Karro was a 500m turnover business, with 3,000 staff, that was losing 1m cash a month. Parmi ces questions, il y avait celle-ci : quelle est la chose la plus dangereuse que vous ayez jamais faite? Divisional SHEQ &
"jobTitle": "Chief Visionary Officer", Il a frquemment pris la parole lors de confrences internationales en Amrique du Nord, en Europe, en Australie, en Asie et au Moyen-Orient. Ive been in safety, training and business development for over 30 years, and Ive never seen anything like it and I mean (pause), its not like youre a scientist or anything so how did you do it?, Well, I said, its really pretty easy to explain if you use terms that most people dont really understand all that well. The average salary in Munich, Bavaria (Bayern) is 56k. Ces approches nont pas vraiment entran une erreur humaine. Creating and teaching SafeStart, Larry has succeeded in combining all crucial aspects by making safety a personal matter. 1 0 obj
He has worked with over 500 companies in Canada, the United States, Mexico, South America, the Pacific Rim and Europe. Wilson, vice-president of Belleville, Ont.-based safety training firm Electrolab Training Systems Limited, spends much of his time touring the world, espousing the virtues of simple concentration techniques to avoid injuries both at work and at home. Improving human performance consists of two things: making the performance better (enhanced) and reducing unforced errors. So getting people to tell the truth was key to figuring out that the self-area and human error was 95% (or more) of primary causation. HSQ Manager
0000056937 00000 n
If you need more lookups, subscriptions start at $39 USD/month. kada osoba biorca udzia w kursie otrzymuje take dostp do materiaw SafeStart opracowanych w sposb umoliwiajcy przekazywanie umiejtnoci rodzinom uczestnikw. 0000006153 00000 n
Larry Wilson of SafeStart passed his best wishes onto all current and former Drilling Solutions employees from the SafeStart Human Factors Conference in Nashville this week. Unless we address this aspect of neuroscience, achieving zero injuries will be very difficult, if not impossible. W pewnym momencie zda sobie spraw, e podejcie BBS jest bardzo ograniczone i nie bierze pod uwag wielu wanych elementw. Od momentu powstania SafeStart Larry Wilson proponuje program, ktry szkoli pracownikw na wszystkich szczeblach organizacji w zakresie umiejtnoci zwizanych z bezpieczestwem. dimensional expertise; extending to occupational health, environment, health and safety management,
Improving Human Performance and Safety and the Neuroscience Behind Human Factors September 14, 2021, Why are only the best and bravest willing to go after the obvious? 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM EDT. Working with company leadership, Teg have been devising strategies and approaches to reduce fatalities, injuries, near misses, and loss to organizations in over 30 countries and across most major industries. Sadressant aux personnes travaillant dans des entreprises soucieuses de la scurit au travail, il sest mis poser des questions les bonnes, en fin de compte. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Por favor escolha a sua regio
I then tested the risk pattern with 20,000 people. Let us show you how to connect the dots between human error reduction and fewer incidents, better engagement and stronger support for safety. Fort de ses connaissances, il reprsente principalement SafeStart en tant que : Chief Executive Officer SafeStart International, Amlioration de la qualit et de lefficacit oprationnelle, Abonnez-vous nos bulletins dinformation, Conditions dutilisation et politique de confidentialit. CANH EHS Lead LATAM
(See Figure #13 Sources of Unexpected Events). W efekcie firmy otrzymuj pomoc w procesie ograniczania liczby urazw, a take zwikszania zaangaowania pracownikw. 86A3cH_RmKqmm~%e5At{=yGnmI Hy@M=B&yvsW#RCH"C)@nK@68zqq[/jYDN.^o7^\tr
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D,}H&"j Ch$3CnWB0Zv0>W7% jOPG8bcDJ]cq` It is discovering that most of what people do is not determined by our logical and rational cognitive processing, but from much deeper within the brain. Wilson continued modelling for a few years before returning to Belleville at age 29 to put his charismatic talents to work for his fathers firm, Electrolab, where he began teaching safety strategies to veteran factory workers. However, relying on your habits and reflexes alone doesnt give you the ability to anticipate a dangerous situation thats about to occuror could occurand get yourself out of the line-of-fire. management, as well as drivers of corporate responsibility and continuous improvement.
Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Chiunque labbia sentito parlare di persona sa che Larry un eccellente oratore davanti al pubblico, sia per conoscenza sia per competenza. David is the current Covid-19 Coordinator at Epiroc USA and the
Initially Larry worked as a behaviour-based safety (BBS) consultant. Our safety resources give you the knowledge and stories you need to manage human factorsand wont find anywhere else. Jedno z nich to: Jaka bya najbardziej niebezpieczna rzecz, ktr kiedykolwiek zrobie(-a)?, Kolejne pytanie to: Jaki najpowaniejszy uraz odniose(-a) w caym swoim yciu?. 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM EDT, What would make you change? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. EDP Renewables
"worksFor": { This article by Larry Wilson appeared in the Global SafeStart Programme Manager, being responsible for
Schlielich hat er genau darber mit etwa 40.000 Angestellten aus allen erdenklichen Sektoren und Aufgabenbereichen gesprochen. The Defenseless Moments Podcast dives deep into the world of health and safety, sharing an in-depth look into the industry. Por favor escolha a sua regio
Creating new lasting habits and keeping employees focused on the new normal. It wasnt that they were ignoring safety rules, but rather that the rules ignored basic human nature. Today it champions in human factors management. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. D'o vient SafeStart - et pourquoi Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. . I then interviewed hundreds of workers for positive deviance at high risk worksites. Larry Wilson. En outre, il a crit plus de 35 articles publis et a co-crit le livre Inside Out : Repenser les modles traditionnels de la gestion de la scurit. Since the critical behaviors were derived from the actual injuries at the worksite, the list varied a bit as you did this for different worksites that had different procedures and hazards. Larry's approach has made SAFESTART a very personal process, having a very positive impact on the organization's culture. Durante este trabajo, pronto descubri inconvenientes que la observacin tradicional y los procesos de retroalimentacin no cubran, ya que estaban centrados en las conductas deliberadas o intencionadas de las personas. "url": "", No credit card required. Well, I could probably stretch it out for hours, but what I think is interesting is that I didnt know any of the terms or methodsother than the Pareto Analysiswhen I started. She is based in Nicaragua for her current role, overseeing more than 12 countries where Animal
SafeStart is an advanced safety awareness and skills development program that aims to help people avoid unintentional mistakes that lead to injury. Larry has authored more than 24 globally- 0000096607 00000 n
I agreed, and we decided to produce a different lesson plan and learning design to teach these conceptsmore easilyin a construction environment. But I am not sure I have ever visited a site where the steering committee, the management team and Safe Home Office 2020 was a year like no other, with COVID 19 presenting challenges like never before. Larry works for Safestart International As a result, client companies have been boosted in their challenge to reduce injury figures as well as raise employee engagement. But in the 1980s, the father of four was better known for gracing the covers of international magazines such as Gentlemans Quarterly, posing for Italian fashion designer Valentino and making the occasional appearance on daytime soap The Young And The Restless. Durante questo lavoro, ha riscontrato ben presto degli inconvenienti che i tradizionali processi di osservazione e feedback non avrebbero affrontato, perch concentrati su ci che le persone facevano deliberatamente o intenzionalmente Questi approcci non erano in realt in grado di far fronte allerrore umano. So tell me, did you really do it?. Defenseless Moments Larry Wilson est le PDG et l'auteur de SafeStart. Thats why Wilson has no regrets about leaving such a glamorous past behind. With a focus on employee health, he also leads preventative occupational medicine programs for key ingredients including the respiratory allergy prevention as well as human factors and wearable technology programs to improve operator and organizational resilience. En crant et en enseignant SafeStart, Larry est parvenu combiner tous les aspects cruciaux en faisant de la scurit une affaire personnelle. Where SafeStart comes from - and why Initially Larry worked as a behaviour-based safety (BBS) consultant. 0000063378 00000 n
Indeed, Wilson lived the high life, hobnobbing with the likes of pop-art icon Andy Warhol, mingling with film and TV royalty, and earning upwards of $1,000 per day for his acting and modelling. Lleva ms de 25 aos dando charlas sobre la salud y la seguridad y frecuentemente ha subido al escenario en conferencias internacionales en Amrica del Norte, Europa, Australia, Asia y el Oriente Medio, adems de impartir sesiones iniciales en las conferencias en Amrica del Norte del NSC (Consejo Nacional de Seguridad), la ASSP (Sociedad Americana de los Profesionales de la Seguridad) y la VPPPA (Asociacin de Participantes en el Programa de Proteccin Voluntaria). In addition to an extensive range of SafeStart and SafeTrack learning materials, Larry has authored numerous articles as well as co-authoring the book Inside Out: Rethinking Traditional Safety Management Paradigms.
So what you really have is a very unscientific journey into the world of safety and human error. This programme was SafeStart, which he developed and officially launched it in 1998. Daraus hat er vor allem gelernt, dass nahezu alle Verletzungen, ob nun vollstndig oder nur teilweise, von den Handlungen der . Well, the first thing happened, like I said, in 1989. Larry Wilson to Dyrektor Generalny i twrca SafeStart. W rezultacie stworzy wasny program bezpieczestwa, szczeglnie koncentrujc si na czynniku ludzkim. Per favore scegli la tua regione
3 0 obj
Larry czy dowiadczenie uzyskane podczas wasnych szkole z tym, co wynis z rozmw na temat bezpieczestwa pracy przeprowadzonych z tysicami osb, a take z prowadzonych przez siebie warsztatw. endobj
Writer: Beetlejuice. Inizialmente Larry ha lavorato come consulente per la sicurezza basata sul comportamento (BBS = behaviour-based safety). Thu, Sep 10, 2020,
The three main rooms are the Race room, American room, and European room. I mean, some of these places had total recordable rates of over 100%, and yet there were always a few folks who had never been hurt. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. } In addition, Edward and his team provide oversight and direction to ensure that the company is meeting or exceeding compliance with all regulatory requirements and internal policies and practices. Many theories and few successes. bezpieczestwa). Larry has combined insights from his own training with those gleaned from conversations with thousands of people in professional safety as well as workshops he has given. Larry Wilson est le PDG et lauteur de SafeStart. He is also a masterfully skilled and influential speaker in the safety industrya subject matter expert with a very polished delivery. November 2012 issue of PSJ Magazine. But there were some critical behaviors like eyes on task and line-of-fire that were on every checklist. Larry Wilson has been a behavior based safety consultant for over 25 years. The Wilson Collection facility spans 18,000 square feet, is equipped with air conditioning and crystal chandeliers, and features a boardroom, library mezzanine overlooking the race room, and full fabrication shop. Previously, Larry was the Co-Founder & President at HeadSta rtPro. 2 0 obj
Life as we knew it changed overnight, with restrictions placed on all elements of life as we knew it. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Larry entered . I really didnt understand all of that. Screenwriter whose credits include hilarious films like Beetlejuice and The Addams Family. Ok, lets try the short version, he said. Hes proven this with over 25 years of speaking experience at health and safety conferences, international events in three continents, and annual sessions at national ASSP, NSC and VPPPA conferences. "@type": "Person", If I could give more than 5 stars, I would! Obviously, Torrie has earned a good amount of money as she has worked for so many years. when I discovered that out of the 25 of us in the room, no one had been hurt on or off the jobbecause the equipment broke, failed or malfunctioned. Por esta razn, es muy fcil comprender por qu algunos gerentes y profesionales de seguridad creen que los peligros son tan importantes. Ju od ponad 25 lat prezentuje swoje idee w zakresie BHP, czsto bierze udzia w midzynarodowych konferencjach organizowanych w Ameryce Pnocnej, Europie, Australii, Azji i na Bliskim Wschodzie , a take jest kluczowym prelegentem podczas konferencji organizowanych przez takie organizacje jak NSC (National Safety Council), ASSP (American Society of Safety Professionals) oraz VPPPA (Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association) w Ameryce Pnocnej. Self-triggering after the car crash doesnt do you much good. to parents Leotis D. & Maxine Moore Wilson. %PDF-1.5
"Try us", came Wilson's response. On top of that he has written over 35 published articles and co-authored the book Inside Out: Rethinking Traditional Safety Management Paradigms. Safestart, A Division Of Electrolab Training Systems Vice President Larry Wilson's Experience Visualized Education and Courses 1978 - 1975 Bachelor Carleton University Bachelor's degree What do other people look for What company does Larry Wilson work for? Much to Wilsons chagrin, the role of Indiana Jones went to Harrison Ford, instead. Larry Wilson Larry Junior Wilson, 78, of Shellman Bluff, passed away on Friday, Jan. 20, 2023. Larry Wilson, Safestart Author And CEO Cover Story Interview PEOPLE IN FOCUS On Dec 29, 2022 Larry Wilson, Safestart Author And CEO For almost 25 years, SafeStart has been serving clients with solutions to increase personal safety awareness and skills. Personal safety awareness is crucial in meeting your Safety goals. She has a multi-
Here's a quick snapshot of what you'll do with 10 days in Bavaria. 0000001217 00000 n
. Anthony leads Chemical Management, Preventative Medicine and Regulatory Affairs for product supply at Procter and Gamble, which includes 127 manufacturing sites in 80 countries. "name": "SafeStart" David is currently the Divisional SHEQ & IMS Manager at
Atlas Brothers | Larry Wilson of SafeStart passed his best wishes onto all current and former Drilling Solutions employees from the SafeStart Human Factors Conference . Veuillez choisir votre rgion
Larry Wilson es el director general y autor de SafeStart. Prevention Tools SAFESTART encourages individuals to use a variety of. Larry D. Wilson, 75, Kansas City, MO passed away Thursday, August 4, 2022 at home. As the Author of SafeStart, Larry has compiled all his years of experience into a common sense approach to work safely both on and off the job. In other words, when you see a state to error risk pattern, it will make you think about risk and bring your mind back to what youre doing, and it also helps you to stay out of the line-of-fire if they do eventually make a critical error. As of 2022, Larry Wilson's net worth is $100,000 - $1M. He has served the industrial hygiene community of practice as a member of the AIHA emergency response planning guidelines and protective clothing and equipment committee and as a volunteer instructor at the University of Cincinnati. Larry Wilson era um consultor de segurana quando determinou a necessidade de um programa que fosse alm das limitaes de um simples programa de segurana comportamental (BBS). Jego unikalna, przyjta w ponad 60 krajach wiata koncepcja bezpieczestwa dotyczy bezpiecznej kultury pracy, lecz take wszystkich innych obszarw ycia zawodowego i prywatnego. So teaching people these four critical error reduction techniqueswell enough so they can use them in real timeis the objective. The third step was to do a Pareto Analysis of critical behavior checklistswhich were derived from doing a Pareto Analysis of injuriesto identify the four critical errors. Read More. Adems de ello, ha escrito ms de 35 artculos publicados y es coautor del libro Inside Out: Rethinking Traditional Safety Management Paradigms (De adentro hacia fuera: replanteamiento de los paradigmas tradicionales en la gestin de la seguridad). : Inside Out Rethinking Traditional Safety Management Paradigms (Po drugiej stronie: zmiana postrzegania tradycyjnych paradygmatw dot. Kady, kto bra udzia w jego prezentacji, wie, e Larry czuje si przed publicznoci jak przysowiowa ryba w wodzie. He is currently the Vice President of Continuous Improvement, Americas Division at Crown Cork and Seal USA, Inc. where he is responsible for training, education and implementation of Lean Manufacturing and Safety Leadership programs for the Americas Division of Crown. After he got me to commit to going forward with his idea, he paused and looked at me.
Estos enfoques realmente no abordaban el error humano. 0000001103 00000 n
Consapevole del fatto che lapproccio BBS strettamente limitato e non tiene conto dei dettagli cruciali, ha scritto un proprio programma di sicurezza che presta particolare attenzione al fattore umano. Just because it was shallow and vacuous?. Con lobiettivo di rendere il mondo un luogo pi sicuro, ha realizzato una vasta gamma di materiali didattici che aiutano i clienti a internalizzare sia SafeStart sia SafeTrack. He looked at his watch. Larry Wilson es el director general y autor de SafeStart. Larry Wilson Mr. Larry Dean Wilson, 83, husband of the late Carolyn S. Wilson, passed away on July 17, 2021, following a period of declining health. Larry Wilson is a pioneer in the area of human factors in safety. Thu, Aug 20, 2020,
Realising that the BBS approach is narrowly limited and does not consider the crucial details, he wrote his own safety programme that pays special attention to the human factor. Can behavior change be delivered through remote training techniques? Prior to Procter & Gamble Anthony was employed by the DuPont Company as a Research Inhalation Toxicologist at the DuPont Haskell Laboratory for Industrial Medicine and Toxicology where he designed and led the conduct of inhalation studies in support of DuPonts Agricultural, Fluro-chemical, and Textile Fibers Business Units. <>>>
Un factor decisivo para su xito es un asunto que Larry lleva en el corazn: todos los que han realizado el curso tambin obtienen acceso a materiales de SafeStart especialmente orientados a compartir con sus familiares. Participants at this session will get a new and different perspective on serious injury causation, and more importantly, they will learn what they and their workforce can do to prevent serious injuries and fatalities from happening in the first place. Chief Executive Officer SafeStart International, Melhora de Qualidade e Eficincia Operacional. Di conseguenza, le aziende clienti sono state incentivate nella loro sfida volta a ridurre il numero di infortuni e a coinvolgere maggiormente i collaboratori. I mean, Ive heard most of those terms before, but I cant say I really understood what you meant. I have been to many worksites that have implanted Safestart. manufacturing shop floor networks and managing product excellence,
Larry Wilson - SafeStart Larry Wilson Chief Visionary Officer Larry Wilson was a behavior-based safety consultant when he determined the need for a program that went beyond the limitations of BBS. Tous ceux qui ont entendu sa prsentation savent que Larry excelle dans lart de parler devant un public quil sagisse de la connaissance et du talent. ASSP San Jose PDC Chair, New Perspectives on Accident Incident Investigation, New Perspectives on Personal Risk Assessment, Toll-free: (866) 962-9575Direct: (613) 962-9577. Ken started his career with Crown in 2004 as a Plant Manager and has progressed to positions of Regional Manager of Manufacturing and Vice President of Operations for the Closures, Aerosol and Promotional Packaging business. Como consultor de segurana na empresa da famlia, Larry entendeu a verdadeira necessidade de criar um processo que fosse alm de um simples cumprimento de normas, mas que levasse em conta como as pessoas se sentiam realmente no dia a dia. How leading organizations are reacting to the safety challenges of Covid-19. Kiedy na pocztku swej kariery zawodowej Larry pracowa w firmie oferujcej programy bezpieczestwa behawioralnego, mia za zadanie nadzorowa ich wdroenie w firmach dziaajcych na terenie Kanady. Il a plus de 25 ans dexprience dans le domaine de la sant et de la scurit. June 17, 2021, Safety has come a long way but have we really conquered rushing? With the goal to make the world a safer place, he has authored an extensive range of learning materials that help clients internalise both SafeStart and SafeTrack. This program was SafeStart, which he developed and officially launched it in 1998. Parlando con le persone delle aziende che si occupavano di sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro, ha iniziato a fare domande quelle giuste, come poi si scoperto. Teg is also a recognized public speaker on safety-related issues, have presenting on safety leadership, safety culture, SIFs and other HSE topics at safety conferences around the globe. Larry Wilson would be the first to admit that his career path is far from typical he might even call it downright extraordinary. Larry Wilson is the CEO and author of SafeStart. It was from that event in 1989 that I discovered primary causation in the self-area to be over 95%. da criao do SafeStart. SafeStart
0000000756 00000 n
Not that these supervisors were all that positive to be in a classroom for two days, but there we were, in the middle of nowhere (Fort St. James, B.C.) Ken is a certified SafeStart trainer and a certified practitioner of Human and Operational Performance in his organization. Larry was born in Ft. Worth, TX. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The second thing was getting people to tell the truth about their own injuries and how human error was a contributing factor. 131 0 obj
The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Last Update. Is it training or skill, or is it a lack of accountability or motivation? Skilled in Industrial Engineering, Root Cause Analysis (6Sigma), Continuous Improvement, Manufacturing Engineering, and ISO Standards, Edward provides leadership to ABBs Health, Safety & Environmental program, in driving towards Zero injuries / incidents and developing a strong safety culture. as a Master's degree in Public Health with concentration on Occupational Health and Safety. Mudanas de Paradigmas por Larry Wilson | #1 - Riscos ou Erros Humanos? Although I wasnt sure, I thought that they must have figured some things out or that they had figured themselves out, and what I typically got from these people was not information about hazards or procedures, but rather, I got advice about human factors or states that cause human error. Publicacin de Larry Wilson Larry Wilson Co-CEO at SafeStart International 1 mes Talking to people in companies concerned with their workplace safety, he started asking questions the right ones, as it turned out. La misin bsica de SafeStart es ayudar a las personas a evitar los errores involuntarios. SafeStart is a registered trademark of Electrolab Limited. Crown Cork and Seal
Thu, Jul 9, 2020,
But knowing that rushing is a riskwhen you're in a rushthat's a heck of a trick.". Combinando le intuizioni di BBS e le risposte ricevute, Larry ha potuto individuare le quattro condizioni e i quattro errori critici che sono coinvolti in oltre il 95% di tutti gli infortuni accidentali; e ha la sua soluzione pronta. During this job, he soon found drawbacks that traditional observation and feedback processes would not cover because they were focusing on what people were doing deliberately or intentionally. Larry Wilson was a behavior-based safety consultant when he determined the need for a program that went beyond the limitations of BBS. well-versed in technology. His experience also
Tune in for our first twelve-part series where we talk with the author of SafeStart, Larry Wilson about the stories behind each chapter in his new book, Defenseless Moments: a different . He has more than 25 years of speaking experience in the fields of health and safety and frequently taken the stage at international conferences in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia and the Middle East as well as delivering keynote sessions at the NSC (National Safety Council), ASSP (American Society of Safety Professionals) and VPPPA (Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association) conferences in North America. , Sep safestart larry wilson net worth, 2020, the 6-foot, 190-pound Wilson emerged as the best defensive -. Health with concentration on Occupational Health and safety, sharing an in-depth look the. Manage human factorsand wont find anywhere else enough so they can use them in real timeis the.. Powstania SafeStart Larry Wilson es el director general y autor de SafeStart drivers... 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