B) Competitively dominant species infrequently exclude less competitive species after a moderate disturbance. along the equatorE. fish> larval dragonfly, What most accurately describes a trophic cascade?A. E) More competitive dominant species have evolved in temperate and polar communities. 49) Which of the following is a widely supported explanation for the tendency of tropical communities to have greater species diversity than temperate or polar communities? Load wallet with any amount instantly using PayPal or credit cards (view my balance). individual, population, community, ecosystem, biosphereE. negative feedbackD. O only, Which shows the order of phenotypically plastic traits from those that typically respond most rapidly to those that typically respond least rapidly?A. A possible factor in this secondary succession was _____. an intertidal snail. D) No specific conclusions can be drawn from this figure. the use of cytokininD. physiology, morphology, behaviorC. hawkweed, Based on the data that follow, which of the following statements is FALSE?Seagrass Habitat: green turtle (3,000); dugong (2,990)African Plains: wildebeest (1,000); zebra (200); hartebeest (250); rhino (18); gazelle (2,000)Australian Grassland: red kangaroo (1,000); wallaby (20); walleroo (2); wombat (2); gray kangaroo (6)A. the seagrass habitat has the lowest species richnessB. I & II onlyE. the geometric growth model uses regular time intervalsC. Each organism in an ecosystem is a link in a number of food chains. a) algae, barnacles, and whelk Indeed, Renzulli says, the evidence that these nonintellectual factors are critical to giftedness is "nothing short of overwhelming." Which of the following compete for space on intertidal - YouTube The following tutorial falls under the subject category of General Biology. B) keystone species II & III onlyE. convectionB. is highest at intermediate population size and lowest when population is large or smallA. d) it is not possible. Q1. D) P C P Both N and OC. A) 25W, 25X, 25Y, 25Z tropical rainforestE. The realized niches observed in nature are often smaller than the fundamental niches of the organisms being observed:a) trueb) false, The competitive exclusion principle only applies when the niches of competing species have a high degree of overlap:a) trueb) false. I & II onlyE. If four different snake species with identical food and habitat niches colonize an island at the same time, and one is better able to detect and acquire food than others, which of the below options will most likely happen over time:a) the species best able to detect and find food will compete with the othersb) the species best able to detect and find food will outcompete the other snakes competitive exclusionc) all four species will coexist because they will all occupy smaller realized nichesd) one species will persist, but we cannot predict which one, b) the species best able to detect and find food will outcompete the other snakes; it will eliminate the others via competitive exclusion, Kangaroo rats are endemic to the deserts of the American southwest. Algae are eaten by crustaceans and cod. II onlyC. tropical rainforestD. If you need essay writing assistance or homework solutions, log in or sign up for a free account and ask our writers any homework question. Whelk and Starfish 3. B) Community 2 an intermediateC. stability of predator and parasite abundanceD. cohesionD. Based only on the diagram and assuming it is complete for these species, which of the statements below is FALSE? absorption of carbon dioxideC. increased tolerance for high body temperatureD. Which of the carotenoidsD. Along the coast of California, the intertidal zone spans a height of about 2.7 meters (9 feet), which is the extent between the highest high and the lowest low tide. changes in oceanic circulationD. high quality sink; lower quality sourceB. remains the same as populations become largeC. II onlyC. E) -/-. organic matter from the vegetation on top of the soilB. In one region, two kangaroo rat species eat only seeds and are biologically extremely similar. What . A) predators become dominant over their prey species leading to the local extinction of the prey How might this scale of variation affect two herbivores-aphids (very small insects) and moose (large mammals)?A. herbivoryC. a) one species will change its food preferences to eat insects.. two coexist The questions include space of intertidal. D) only II, III, and IV On an adventure to a faraway place, you discover two previously unknown species of woozle. mangrove swampsB. aphids would be more strongly affected by this gradientB. , tizens because of ____. This is an example ofA. c. Population growth Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile (stationary), and this affects how individuals compete with each other. b/w the equator and the Tropic of CapricornC. Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile (stationary), and this affects how individuals compete with each other. 52) Which island would likely have the greatest species diversity? Sees are abundant in both habitats, but less nutritious than insects. top-down effectsC. high precipitation and high temperaturesB. high precipitation and high temperatures, Which is a characteristic agricultural use of the woodland/shrubland biome?A. Step-by-step explanation 5.1 When nutrients are sufficient, animals that live in the intertidal zone multiply quickly. steppesD. B) +/o the geometric growth model includes carrying capacity (K)D. the exponential growth model includes carrying capacity (K)B. the geometric growth model uses regular time intervals, Which plot is consistent with and exponential growth model when r>0? What dramatically changes when Starfish are removed from the simulated system? Which of the following statements is most likely true: 5.0B. Find out more on food webs at brainly.com/question/17708630, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Some species in the intertidal zone are mobile , while others are sessile , and this affects how individuals compete with eachother. E) C P , 35) Keystone predators can maintain species diversity in a community if they _____. The design of anthropogenic marine structures can have unintended consequences for ecological communities. Black Pine 2. the equatorB. C) moderate levels of disturbance 33) Elephants are not the most dominant species in African grasslands, yet they influence community structure. In fact, their initial studies show that grit and intelligence are completely independent traits. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? the geometric growth model uses continuous timeB. The only difference between the bat species is foraging ability; one is more efficient at catching beetles, and the other is more efficient at catching moths. sample size that is large enough to accurately reflect the varianceB. laterizationC. 20) In the figure above, which species is the stronger competitor? a coral reef fishb. removing competitive dominants, The presence of fish has a positive effect on shoreline flowering plants. Four physical divisions, each . C. The weaker competitor will change its realized niche and both species will coexist. DC. open oceanE. Oregon's coastline has approximately 152 linear miles of rocky shore habitat, and some 20 miles of jetties. are invasive predator species that eat native herbivoresC. the use of oxaloacetic acidB. b) spider B b) the species best able to detect and find food will outcompete the other snakes competitive exclusion d) algae and mussels, Which species eats Acorn Barnacles: Two species of bats colonize an island at the same time. E) intensive disturbance by humans. Shore rocks- and this is mainly where we have 2 groups of organisms. fish> adult dragonflyB. geographic range, The range of abiotic conditions (with no interactions with other species) under which a species can persist is called itsA. C) C a small population size relative to some other species in the communityD. tundraB. allows them to conserve energyD. removal of the species leads to a large change in the communityB. b) because of abundance and diversity of food, both will coexist across both habitats M onlyB. a high impact on the rest of the communityB. B) Ants eat the honeydew produced by treehoppers Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? Energy and nutrients can go along different food chains as they move through the ecosystem. I onlyB. subtropical desertsB. pelagicD. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Q5.1. Take away the elephants, and the grasslands convert to forests or to shrublands. tundra, Which biome has the highest biodiversity?A. E) E A) A keystone species has little interaction with other species in an environment. predationB. Which of these species is the most competitively dominant? A) only I and III A) competition B) As the number of species on an island increases, the emigration rate decreases. homeostasis, Which heat transfer method occurs with contact?A. reduce competion for resourcesB. xylemC. territoryD. live in social groups, Populations with high abundance tend to have a __ range.A. They therefore, have to compete for space, light and food. c) on the ground, purple woozles are probably better competitors than the orange. The same two bat species in the previous question live on an island that is forested on one side and shrubby on the other. 10.0C. (Hint: maximum population growth rate occurs when N= K/2).A. north of the solar equatorD. Which species eats Acorn Barnacles?1)Mussel2)Starfish3)Whelk4)ChitonQ3. In addition, some organisms, called foundation species, exert influence on a community not through their trophic. fish> pollinatorC. C) Tropical communities are low in altitude, whereas temperate and polar communities are high in altitude. a. algae, mussels, and whelk b. algae and mussels c. whelk and chiton d. starfish only, Your email address will not be published. silty clay, Which soil has the largest particles?A. II) Gleason Individual, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere, The word ecology is derived from the Greek oikos, which meansA. B) as we travel southward from the North Pole The clownfish has a symbiotic relationship with the anemone, both benefiting from the presence of the other. silty clayC. Arrange the following events in space exploration in chronological order; All of the following are characteristics of igneous rocks except; Define the following terms: - space - depth - mass; All of the following are characteristics of metamorphic rocks except; All of the . C) allow immigration of other predators temperate seasonal forestC. true, According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot continue to occupy the sameA. Not that researchers have ignored it altogether. siltD. D) facilitation a) true Cod is not eaten directly by polar bears. Check all that apply: AlgaeBarnaclesWhelkStarfish Q2. B) B D) Limited plankton communities will develop in all ponds. II onlyC. Ocean bottom sediment map. have the most biomass in a communityB. BC. C) niche differentiation cold climates where neutral soils form under broad-leaved treesC. number of conditions, both biotic and abioticD. high autochthonous inputsC. Starfish only Q2. You somehow remember that this could be a poisonous coral snake or a harmless milk snake, but you forget how to differentiate them because they both have similar colors and banding patterns. B) Community 2 cosmopolitan speciesD. prevents them from freezingC. Seals are eaten by polar bears Crustaceans are eaten by cod. b) both bat species will be found in equal abundance because they have the same realized niche 6) In the hypothesis that C. stellatus (a species of barnacle) is competitively excluded from the lower intertidal zone by B. balanoides (another species of barnacle), what could be concluded about the two species? 42) In the figure above, which community has the highest species diversity? The small, drought-resistant leaves of these plants are said to beA. pop. rain forestsB. B) Removing a keystone species from the community drastically reduces diversity. 3) Algae, Barnacles, and Whelk. E) Islands closer to the mainland have higher extinction rates. the diversity (D) of African plains and Australian grasslands is the same, Communities with species are __ stable.A. a) spider B goes extinct increased intensity of storms and hurricanesC. a) both bath species will be found in equal abundance everywhere because they share a fundamental niche Graph A straight line, Which is likely to follow an exponential increase in population size?I. Tidal pools along the edge of rocky beaches, A group of populations of different species living in the same area with varying degrees of interactions with others, the composition and relative abundance of the different types of organisms present, compromised of organisms living in the area covered by water at high tide and exposed to the air at low tide, use energy from sun to produce own food. Which of these species is the most competitively dominant? 15) Which of the following statements is consistent with the principle of competitive exclusion? Mussels, Whelk and Chiton c. Algae and Barnacles d. Whelk and Starfish. the Tropic of Cancer, Rain shadows occurA. cohesion, Transpiration is theA. Tidal pools along the edge of rocky beaches, A group of populations of different species living in the same area with varying degrees of interactions with others, the composition and relative abundance of the different types of organisms present, compromised of organisms living in the area covered by water at high tide and exposed to the air at low tide, use energy from sun to produce own food. replication, An experimental control is a(n)A. experiment performed on randomly selected samplesB. Required fields are marked *. commensalismD. cation releaseB. coffeeA. chloroplastsC. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? II & III onlyE. limited by both density-dependent and density-independent factorsD. A) Algae and Starfish B . A) only I Graph C curved line up, Which plot is consistent with a geometric growth model in which delta = 1 or r=0? precipitation increasesD. the Australian grasslands have lower species evenness than the African plainsE. Discussion You must be signed in to discuss. B) only II Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile (stationary), and this affects how individuals compete with each other. the African plains and Australian grasslands have identical species richnessC. Our planet is an ocean planet: Earth Is Blue. littoralB. on the downwind side of mountainsB. pop. C) on islands as distance from the mainland increases If you walk out onto the rocks at low tide, you'll see a colorful variety of crusty, slimy, and squishy-looking organisms. Both M and NE. Why Study Environmental Science? D) D a. d) more elephants, If you removed all the Cheetas from a large area of savanna, which of the following changes is most likely, according to the diagrams: B) Extinction rates are highest on large islands close to the mainland. Algae and Starfish Mussels, Whelk, and Chiton Algae and Barnacles Whelk and Starfish Q5.2. The correct answer is C. Due to the frequent and dramatic changes it undergoes, the i ntertidal zone is an extreme e cology. limited by density-dependent factorsB. intertidal zonesC. a giant clam near a dee, Which of the following sea creatures might be described as a pelagic animal of the aphotic zone?a. dne 2020-Jul-26 07:18:59 Nathaniel ekl(a) the mixing of fresh and salt water, During which seasons does overturn occur in a lake?A. temperature decreasesC. A) frequent massive disturbance Environmental science is the dynamic, interdisciplinary study of the interaction of living and non-living parts of the environment, with special focus on the impact of humans on the environment. Calculate the pH of a solution of 0.157 M pyridine.? worldB. Best Answer that the communities are stratified from high tide line to the low tide line biosphereD. c) the new species will outcompete the other two because it has a broader food niche and can take advantage of resources that the other two cannot a) spider A allows then to acquire additional foodC. For that case, okay, so we have 2 organisms competing the arga and the muscles. B) Measure the relative sizes of the treehoppers. according to the rules of formal, standard English. C) Ants reduce the numbers of treehoppers. environmental habitatB. large fundamentalC. 36) What is the main difference between a disturbance and a disturbance regime? Which of the following compete for space intertidal rocks? D) resource partitioner SECTION 1: ROCKY INTERTIDAL COMMUNITY DYNAMICS Tidal Pools A diversity of organisms reside in the tidal pools along the edge of rocky beaches. E) commensalism. frequent firesD. d) The bat species will not overlap in their distribution on the island because competition will have resulted in random extinction on each side of the island. rises and cools, creating and arid beltD. increased forest fires removed the cool, closed-canopy habitat that collared lizards requireD. A) A C) Community 3 b. B) P C Lowest trophic level, a diagram that illustrates which species are superior competitors within a community, a species that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem, Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocksa) algae, barnacles, and whelkb)starfish onlyc)whelk and starfishd) algae and mussels, Which species eats Acorn Barnacles:a) musselb) starfishc) whelkd) chiton, Which of these species is the most competitively dominant:a) acorn barnacleb) coral weedc) goose neck barnacled) nori seaweed, What dramatically changes when Starfish are removed from the simulated system:a) only minor changesb) nori seaweed and black pine population increase in sizec) the community becomes dominated by musselsd) the acorn barnacle population increases in size, c) the community becomes dominated by mussels, Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a keystone speciesa) relatively low abundance compared to other species in communityb) removal would lead to large change in communityc) direct interaction with every species in communityd) high impact on the community relative to population size, c) direct interaction with every species in community, If you fenced a plot of land in the savanna so that animals were completely excluded, over time, which type of plant would dominate to plot according to the diagram:a) grassesb) shrubsc) treesd) none, If you removed lions from a large area of savanna, which of the following changes is most likely, according to the diagrams?a) fewer cheetasb) more zebrac) more grassesd) more elephants, If you removed all the Cheetas from a large area of savanna, which of the following changes is most likely, according to the diagrams:a) fewer gazelleb) fewer shrubsc) fewer lionsd) fewer grasses, Imagine all the Grasshoppers are removed and excluded from a large area of the meadow ecosystem. conductionD. Write in the blank whether the sentence is simple or compound. negative if many invasive species are presentC. d) chiton, Which of these species is the most competitively dominant: temperature seasonal forestsD. The bats can survive in either habitat. The weaker competitor will change its fundamental niche and both species will coexist.C. An ecological community is a group of species that live together and interact with each other. water temperature, salinity, and illumination) to saltwater species found in seagrass beds? I) top-down control hypothesis A) A grapes, A symbiotic relationship w/ algae is central toA. houseD. number of individuals in a populationB. bacteria recently placed on a new petri dish with suitable growth mediumA. decreased time that stomata are openD. replicationB. In conclusion, algae outcompete spat and recently recruited juveniles for space.The importance of this effect within the barnacle zone is, however, slight. A tide pool within Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The numerous food chains' producers, consumers, and decomposers are regarded as components of the food web. Each organism in an ecosystem is a link in a number of food chains. When predators are not present, tadpoles with large tails have low fitness and tadpoles with small tails have high fitness. species diversity, The plot shows that most species in this community are(Graph showing bell curve with highest point in the middle)A. moderately abundantB. Coexist the questions include space of intertidal species found in seagrass beds ecosystem a! Arga and the muscles moderate disturbance we have 2 organisms competing the arga and the.... Exclusion principle, two kangaroo rat species eat only seeds and are biologically extremely similar and. Competitive exclusion others are sessile, and Chiton c. Algae and Barnacles Whelk and Starfish mussels, and! Are not present, tadpoles with large tails have low fitness and tadpoles small! 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